Reads all .js and .mjs files in scopes and parses functions, classes and arrow functions
Managing scopes containing functions and classes.
ES6/Module styled | functions and classes distribution throughout your application.
The why is power:
I needed a place for my tools. If it's more than a tool, it should be a module.--with love, quirks and glitches, Idiosyncratics
Get thulejs-scopes
npm install thulejs-scopes
See example
Example included in the repository.
Add an scopes directory to your project root and place here .js or .mjs files.
The directory structure will be identical to scopes structure.
Import the module and add the config:
import scopes from 'thulejs-scopes';
new scopes();
That's it!, your scopes content is now available.
Get, Find, Build commands
Get commands to view your scopes meta.
returns an information object
// returns the name/version/settings of scopes:
// returns an warning if scope is not loaded
// get the scope meta:
// Get meta in <parent> from <scope>
scopes.getMeta('customScript', 'xml'))
Find commands to retrieve scopes from cache.
returns an scope object
Provides a safe way to retrieve the scopes.
// must have scopename, returns a warning
// returns an warning if scope is not loaded
// get the first found scope in the structure
// if a double name exists in the scope and you want to specify:
// from <parent> get <scopename>
scopes.findScopes('myModule', 'xml')
Get commands to return scopes content.
returns an scope object
Will pull from file if not preload or cached (new object)
// returns the entire scopes content:
// by default preload is disabled, a warning is returned.
// get the first found scope in the structure:
// get these two scopes, first found:
scopes.getScopes('std', 'utils')
// in this example 'utils' will contain mulitple scopes
Build commands to rebuild and cache scopes.
returns a message
Will pull from file if not preload or cached. Scope is then cached
// rebuild the entire scope if preload
// must have scopename, a warning is returned
// rebuild scope from file, specify from <parent> get <scopename>
scopes.buildScopes('customScript', 'xml')
Pre-loading scopes:
By default the preload is disabled.
If you use preload, all scopes are loaded at start, responses after are better as imports are already done.
Use the build commands to build and cache scopes. getScope() will use cached items if available.
So if you care more about speed or memory consumption, this offers some flexibility.
Options and settings
Set ThuleJS-scopes options:
Pass an options object:
new scopes();
// -or-
const scopesOptions ={
path: '',
dir: '',
preload: true
new scopes(scopesOptions);
By default if no scopes path and/or dir is given, it will look for 'scopes' in the app root directory.
In previous versions a scopes directory was created if not present, however this practice is discontinued and an error is thrown instead.
Scope usage example
Also see the examples in the repository.
Functions, classes and arrow functions must be closed with //|| or #checked.
For functions #function, for classes #class and for arrow functions #arrow
function myFunction (...args){
function myFunction (..args){
function myFunction (...args){
class myClass {
const square = x => x * x //||
const function = (test) => { console.log("An arrow function."); }//#checked
const add = (a, b) => a + b //#arrow
The functions are parsed through an AST (abstract syntax tree) to validate the function by Acorn.
Invalid functions are skipped.
Scope file repository
The only thing parsed are .js and .mjs, however all files will have their filepaths stored in the scopes.