SweetJS macros for throw cancel and catch cancel
SweetJS Macros for throw cancel
and catch cancel
These SweetJS macros implement the language extensions from "Canceled as a third state", in particular throw cancel
and catch cancel
. They are fairly rough and exists only in service of some experiments I'm doing, so be careful.
npm install -g sweet.js
npm install throw-catch-cancel-syntax
sjs -m throw-catch-cancel-syntax your-file.js
Also, somewhere in the top level of your program, you need to do
to avoid program crashes when cancelations bubble to the top of the stack. (This is an important part of the semantics of cancelations; see the linked document.)
You should run as much code as you can through the macro. Anything that is not macro-ified will have the original try
statements, which catch cancelations as if they were exceptions. So ideally you'd run your test framework and dependencies and such through it. Unfortunately SweetJS has a lot of parsing bugs that make this hard in the general case (e.g. code without semicolons breaks it).