A 3D navigator gizmo for ThreeJS
3D Navigator Gizmo
A 3D navigator gizmo addon for ThreeJS. It has features of both TrackballControls
and ViewHelper
. It does not lock the camera to the direction vertical to up when the camera is moved to the direction parallel to up.
npm i threejs-navigator-gizmo
const navigator = new NavigatorGizmo(camera, renderer, { ... })
const render = () => {
renderer.render(scene, camera)
| Property | Description | Type | DefaultValue|
| --- | --- | --- | -- |
| size | Viewport size of gizmo | number
| 200
| rotateSpeed | Rotation speed | number
| 1
| paddingX | Horizontal distance from the left edge of canvas | number
| 0
| paddingY | Horizontal distance from the bottom edge of canvas | number
| 0
| navigatorBgColor | Color of circular background of navigator | number
| 0xffffff
| navigatorBgOpacity | Opacity of circular background of navigator | number
| 0.2
| pinterLockMode | Whether to enable pointer lock mode. Mouse pointer will be hidden when dragging will if enabled | boolean
| false
| trackballTextColor | Text color of trackball | number
| 0x000000
| trackballTextHoverColor | Text color of trackball if hover | number
| 0xffffff
| trackballBgImage | Background image of trackball. | HTMLImageElement
| - |
| axesColor | Colours of xyz axes | number[]
| [0xff5453, 0x8adb00, 0x2c8fff]
| trackballFillColors | Fill Colours of six trackballs. The elements represent x, y, z, negX(Negative X), negY(Negative Y), negZ(Negative Z) | number[]
| [0xff3653, 0x8adb00, 0x2c8fff, 0x61363c, 0x485b2e, 0x354860]
| trackballStrokeColors | Stroke Colours of six trackballs. The elements represent x, y, z, negX(Negative X), negY(Negative Y), negZ(Negative Z)| number[]
| [0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xff3653, 0x8adb00, 0xff3653]
| standalone | Create one standalone canvas to render gizmo | boolean
| false
| clearColor | Sets clear color. Only works if standalone is enabled | number | - |
| clearAlpha | Sets clear alpha. Ranges from 0 to 1. Only works if standalone is enabled | number | - |