Javascript Boid Simulation library
3D Boids Simulation Tool
three-boids-js is a JavaScript library that aims to provide a straightforward API to create and control flocking/schooling entities(boids) with minimal setup.
- Easy Setup: Quickly initialize boid simulations with a simple configuration.
- Customizable Behavior: Take controll over a variety parameters to tweak the boid behavior, update parameters in real time using the debug panel.
- Performance Optimized: Efficiently handles large numbers of boids with smooth animations.
- Instanced Meshes All boid meshes are dynamically instanced, resulting in only 1 draw call
- Octree and BVH Optimized raycasting takes advantage of special datastructures to effectively nullify cost
- Object Avoidance: Easily add objects for boids to avoid. Uses Optimized raycasting algorithms with tweakable parameters
Quick Start
Install three-boids npm package:
npm i three-boids
import BOIDS from 'three-boids'
Create a standard three.js project, then
//create a boundning box and new boids instance
const box = new THREE.Box3(new THREE.Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new THREE.Vector3(5,5,5))
const boids = new BOIDS(scene,box)
//initiate the boid simulation
//add a mesh for the boids
const geometry=new THREE.ConeGeometry(0.2,0.9,3)
geometry.rotateX(-Math.PI * 0.5);
const mesh= new THREE.Mesh(geometry,new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:"blue"}))
//initiate the boids vision and add objects to avoid
const environmentObject= new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial())
//within your tick function, update the simulation
API Reference
| Method | Description | Default |
| setParameters({parameters})|Sets the start up boid parameters|{visualRange:0.75046, protectedRange:0.38377, enviromentVision:0.5, objectAvoidFactor:1, cohesionFactor:0.00408, matchingFactor:0.06312, seperationFactor:0.19269, minSpeed:2.379, maxSpeed:5.206, turnFactor:0.201}
| initBoids(count) | Creates a new Boids instance, setting up the logic and setting the simulation running | 200
| initVision() | Creates a new raycasting instance | |
| Method | Description | Default |
| setModelMesh(model,scale,customMaterial) | Create mesh for every boid and add to scene. Add a custom material if you want a different material to the supplied mesh | |
| changeModelMesh(model,scale,customMaterial) | Changes the mesh for every boid. Add a custom material if you want a different material to the supplied mesh | |
| addBoid(count)|Adds count amount of boids to the simulation||
| removeBoid(count)|Removes count amount of boids to the simulation||
| getBoidArray()|Exposes an array containing boid positions and directions||
| addEnvironmentObjects(enviromentObjects,reset) | Adds new objects for boids to see | reset = false
Each Frame
| Method | Description | Default | |----------|----------|----------| | update(elapsedTime,deltaTime) | Updates the Simulation | |
| Method | Description | Default | |----------|----------|----------| | addDebug(gui) | Adds debug panel to the scene | | | resetDebug(gui) | Resets the debug panel | |
General Controls:
- View FPS: Toggles "Frames Per Second" display
- Pause Simulation: Pauses Simulation
Boid Controls:
- Show Bounding Box: Shows/Hides the Bounding box
- Entity Count: The amount of boids currently on screen
- Object Avoid Factor: The force at which boids avoid world objects
- Object Visual Range: The distance at which boids see world objects
- Cohesion Factor: Adjust how strongly boids are attracted to the center of the flock.
- Alignment Factor: Control how much boids try to match the velocity of neighbor boids within their visual range
- Separation Factor: The force at which boids avoid neighbor boids within their protected range
- Matching Factor: The force at which boids align velociy with neighbor boids within their visual range
- Turn Factor: The force at which boids turn around when out of bounds
- Min Speed: Set the minimum speed of boids.
- Max Speed: Set the maximum speed of boids.
- Visual Range: Adjust the range in which boids detect and react to nearby flockmates.
- Protected Range: Define the area in which boids are protected from external disturbances.
Environment Vision Controls:
- Show Rays: Toggles display of ray targets. This represents the angle that the boid can see
- Ray Count: How many rays the boid casts per environment check
- Ray Angle: The angle at which the boid casts rays
- Ray Distance: The distance at which a collision is counted
Future Goals
- Move the boid logic onto the gpu, using THREE.js/webGL GPGPU
- Add support for attraction/repulsion objects
This implementation of the boids algorithm runs on the cpu. As such it has a O(N2) time complexity. FPS does take a hit once you pass 500 entities. Onced moved onto the gpu, we should be able to handle orders of magnitude more