Thread-SSE is a library for Node.js and web browsers to develop security and high-performance SSE (Server-Send-Events) applications.
Thread-SSE is a library for Node.js and web browsers to develop security and high-performance SSE (Server-Send-Events) applications.
Based on Node.js built-in modules, supports HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 protocols, being compatible with most web browsers, faster real-time communication.
One SSE server-side only connects one Thread-SSE client, and one web browser has one Thread-SSE connection.
Validates SSE data at the time of data sending and data receiving.
Thread-SSE data includes a data id and data with defined types, the developer can create client actions to an SSE data or directly using system default client actions.
The members of the user group can send and receive data via SSE.
Thread-SSE is extendable and customizable.
Installation of Thread-SSE package and environment
Runs the following commands from the directory of your project.
1. Installs Thread-SSE
npm install thread-sse
2. Installs Thread-SSE environment
node ./node_modules/thread-sse/postinstall
Using examples
// Responds Thread-SSE client library
libStyleGraph(request, response, "/public/js/tsse.js");
// Responds custom client library
libStyleGraph(request, response, "/public/js/custom-tsse.js");
// Responds the Thread-SSE client
responseClient(request, response, content);
// Handles Thread-SSE connection request
setTsseConnection(request, response);
// Starts Thread-SSE server for the specific client
tsseServer(tsseServicePath, response);
// Sends a Thread-SSE data
updateTsseData(tsseServicePath, tsseUser, "1000", "Sending Thread SSE Data");
// Sends a custom Thread-SSE data
updateTsseData(tsseServicePath, tsseUser, "4050", "Joanne Whalley", "(647) 823-7580");
// Sends shared Thread-SSE data to members of the group
updateGroupTsseData(request, response, members);
Runs the test server:
node ./node_modules/thread-sse/test/server
Then runs testing with http://localhost:3000/test/index.html from web browsers.
Demo applications
postinstall.js installed Thread-SSE demo applications in the folder of Thread-SSE project, the demo applications include:
The example application of Thread-SSE server over HTTP protocol.
The example application that clusters Thread-SSE server over HTTP protocol to take advantage of multi-core systems.
The example application of Thread-SSE server over HTTPS protocol.
The example application of Thread-SSE server over HTTP/2 protocol.
The example application of Thread-SSE server with Express over HTTP protocol.
The example application of Thread-SSE server with Express over HTTPS protocol.
Starts demo Thread-SSE server then access the application from http://localhost:3000/client.html
Developing Thread-SSE application
Develops the access control to Thread-SSE data
Overrides methods of AccessControl class from ./custom/access-control.js, managing users and user group with the authentication used by your project.
Creates custom validation
Creates custom validation for server-side data sending from ./custom/validation.js and the data receiving of the web browsers from ./js/custom-tsse.js if you defined custom data to your project.
Writes client actions
Writes your client actions in the function tsseAction(id, dt, bulk, tag) from ./js/custom-tsse.js, the arguments of tsseAction are data sent by Thread-SSE server.
Sends shared data
Sends shared data with sendSharedTsseData and assigns it as a browser event handler in ./js/custom-tsse.js
Updates SSL/TLS certificate and private key files
Updates SSL/TLS certificate and private key files in ./custom folder for the product of your project.
To see Thread-SSE documentation