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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A simple CLI for scaffolding Thinkjs projects.





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think-cli is a command-line interface for ThinkJS.


$ npm install -g think-cli


  • new - generate a new project from a template
  • list - list available official templates
  • module - add module from a template
  • controller - add controller from a template
  • service - add service from a template
  • model - add model from a template
  • middleware - add middleware from a template
  • adapter - add adapter from a template
  • migrate - migrate the project to think-cli 2.0
  • sync - Synchronize the latest version of the project template to the local cache directory
  • clean - Clear the project template cache



$ thinkjs new <project-name> <template-name>


$ thinkjs new my-project standard

The above command pulls the template from think-template/standard, prompts for some information, and generates the project at ./my-project/.

  • is optional, defaults to the current working directory
  • is optional, default is the standard template, support offline use


$ thinkjs new

The above command, prompts for some information, and generates the project at ./ (current working directory), support offline use

If you want to create a multi-module project, you need to add the -m parameter:

$ thinkjs new -m

official templates

thinkjs provide some recommended templates.

All official project templates are repos in the think-template organization. When a new template is added to the organization, you will be able to run thinkjs new <project-name> <template-name> to use that template. You can also run thinkjs list to see all available official templates.

Current available templates include:

  • standard - A full-featured standard template
  • api - API application template
  • vue - ThinkJS Vue Template
  • react - ThinkJS React Template
  • typescript - ThinkJS typescript cli template

Custom Templates

It's unlikely to make everyone happy with the official templates. You can simply fork an official template and then use it via think-cli with:

$ thinkjs new my-project username/repo

Where username/repo is the GitHub repo shorthand for your fork.

The shorthand repo notation is passed to download-git-repo so you can also use things like bitbucket:username/repo for a Bitbucket repo and username/repo#branch for tags or branches.

If you would like to download from a private repository use the —clone flag and the cli will use git clone so your SSH keys are used.

Local Templates

Instead of a GitHub repo, you can also use a template on your local file system:

$ thinkjs new my-project ~/fs/path/to-custom-template



$ thinkjs controller <controller-name> [module-name]


$ thinkjs controller user home

The above command generates the controller at src/home/controller/user.js

  • module-name is optional, defaults to the thinkjs.defaultModule in in the package.json file of project root directory, you can modify it, module-name only be used in multi-module projects

You can also add the -r parameter to create a rest type controller


$ thinkjs controller user -r



$ thinkjs service <service-name> [module-name]


$ thinkjs service user home

The above command generates the service at src/home/service/user.js

As with controller, module-name is optional and can only be used in multi-module projects



$ thinkjs model <model-name> [module-name]


$ thinkjs model user home

The above command generates the model at src/home/model/user.js

As with controller, module-name is optional and can only be used in multi-module projects



$ thinkjs middleware <middleware-name> [module-name]


$ thinkjs middleware user home

The above command generates the middleware at src/home/middleware/user.js

As with controller, module-name is optional and can only be used in multi-module projects



$ thinkjs adapter <adapter> [module-name]

Example: create a adapter with the name base type user

$ thinkjs adapter user/base home

The above command generates the adapter at src/home/adapter/user/base.js

adapter name is optional, defaults to the base, Example:

$ thinkjs adapter user

The above command generates the adapter at src/adapter/user/base.js

As with controller, module-name is optional and can only be used in multi-module projects


The command can only be used in multi-module projects


$ thinkjs module [module-name]


$ thinkjs module user

The above command generates a module with the name user

As with controller, module-name is optional,defaults to the thinkjs.defaultModule in in the package.json file of project root directory.



$ thinkjs module [module-name]

If your project was created with think-cli 1.0 and you want to use the capabilities of think-cli 2.0, you need to use migrate command to migrate your project to think-cli 2.0.



$ thinkjs sync

The command will synchronize the latest version of the project template to the local cache directory.



$ thinkjs clean

The command will delete the project template cache.

After the template cache is deleted, your next create file command will pull the latest template

Writing Custom Templates from Scratch

  • A template repo must have a template directory that holds the template files.
  • A template repo must have a metadata file for the template which can be either a metadata.js or metadata.json file. It can contain the following fields:
    • prompts - used to collect user options data;
    • skipCompile - used to skip template compile, usually used for pictures and other resource files;
    • completeMessage - the message to be displayed to the user when the template has been generated. You can include custom instruction here.
    • new - new command mapping configuration
    • controller - controller command mapping configuration
    • model - model command mapping configuration
    • service - service command mapping configuration
    • middleware - middleware command mapping configuration
    • adapter - adapter command mapping configuration
    • module - module command mapping configuration
  • Template can use any parameter carried in the command line


The prompts field in the metadata file should be an object hash containing prompts for the user. For each entry, the key is the variable name and the value is an Inquirer.js question object. Example:

  "prompts": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
      "message": "Project name"

After all prompts are finished, all files inside template will be rendered using Ejs, with the prompt results as the data.


The project template is not always some code file, there are also some resource files, such as pictures, fonts, etc.

Only the code file needs to be compiled, because the code file may need to use syntax such as variables or conditional judgment, and pictures and other resource files are not needed, so we are use skipCompile field Skip these files.

The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be a minimatch glob pattern. The files matched should skip rendering. Example:

  "skipCompile": "src/**/*.png"


  "skipCompile": [


The skipCompile field in the metadata file, it can access the variables in the template, as well as all the syntax provided by EJS. Example:

  "completeMessage": "To get started:\n\n<% if (!inPlace) { %># enter path\n$ cd <%= destDirName %>\n\n<% } %># install dependencies:\n$ npm install\n\n# run the app\n$ npm start"


The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be an object hash containing map configuration required to generate a project from a template. It contain the following fields:

  • default - Generate single module project mapping configuration
  • multiModule - Generate multi-module project mapping configuration

mapping configuration can access these variables: action,moduleName, type.


  "new": {
    "default": [
      ["src/bootstrap", "src/bootstrap"],
      ["src/config", "src/config"],
      ["src/controller/base.js", "src/controller/base.js"],
      ["src/controller/index.js", "src/controller/index.js"],
      ["src/logic", "src/logic"],
      ["src/model", "src/model"],
      ["test/index.js", "test/index.js"],
      ["view/index_index.html", "view/index_index.html"],
      ["development.js", "development.js"],
      ["eslintrc", ".eslintrc"],
      ["gitignore", ".gitignore"],
      ["nginx.conf", "nginx.conf"],
      ["package.json", "package.json"],
      ["pm2.json", "pm2.json"],
      ["production.js", "production.js"],
      ["", ""]
    "multiModule": [
      ["src/bootstrap", "src/common/bootstrap"],
      ["src/config", "src/common/config"],
      ["src/config/config.js", "src/[moduleName]/config/config.js"],
      ["src/controller/base.js", "src/[moduleName]/controller/base.js"],
      ["src/controller/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/controller/index.js"],
      ["src/logic", "src/[moduleName]/logic"],
      ["src/model", "src/[moduleName]/model"],
      ["test/index.js", "test/index.js"],
      ["view/index_index.html", "view/[moduleName]/index_index.html"],
      ["development.js", "development.js"],
      ["eslintrc", ".eslintrc"],
      ["gitignore", ".gitignore"],
      ["nginx.conf", "nginx.conf"],
      ["package.json", "package.json"],
      ["pm2.json", "pm2.json"],
      ["production.js", "production.js"],
      ["", ""]


The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be an object hash containing map configuration required to generate a controller from a template. It contain the following fields:

  • default - Generate controller mapping configuration
  • rest - Generate rest controller mapping configuration

mapping configuration can access these variables: action,moduleName, type.


  "controller": {
    "default": [
      ["src/controller/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/controller/[action].js"],
      ["src/logic/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/logic/[action].js"]
    "rest": [
      ["src/controller/rest.js", "src/[moduleName]/controller/rest.js"],
      ["src/controller/restIndex.js", "src/[moduleName]/controller/[action].js"],
      ["src/logic/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/logic/[action].js"]


The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be an array containing map configuration required to generate a model from a template.

mapping configuration can access these variables: action,moduleName, type.


  "model": [
    ["src/model/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/model/[action].js"]


The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be an array containing map configuration required to generate a service from a template.

mapping configuration can access these variables: action,moduleName, type.


  "service": [
    ["src/service/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/service/[action].js"]


The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be an array containing map configuration required to generate a middleware from a template.

mapping configuration can access these variables: action,moduleName, type.


  "middleware": [
    ["src/middleware/base.js", "src/[moduleName]/middleware/[action].js"]


The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be an array containing map configuration required to generate a adapter from a template.

mapping configuration can access these variables: action,moduleName, type.


  "adapter": [
    ["src/adapter/base.js", "src/[moduleName]/adapter/[type]/[action].js"]


The skipCompile field in the metadata file should be an array containing map configuration required to generate a module from a template.

mapping configuration can access these variables: action,moduleName, type.


  "module": [
    ["src/config/config.js", "src/[moduleName]/config/config.js"],
    ["src/controller/base.js", "src/[moduleName]/controller/base.js"],
    ["src/controller/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/controller/index.js"],
    ["src/logic/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/logic/index.js"],
    ["src/model/index.js", "src/[moduleName]/model/index.js"],
    ["view/index_index.html", "view/[moduleName]/index_index.html"]