Thingpedia SDK
Thingpedia SDK
An Open, Crowdsourced Repository of APIs
Thingpedia is the open repository of API used by the Genie Virtual Assistant. Anyone can contribute the interface code to access any device or web service, and publish it on Thingpedia.
This package contains the software development kit (SDK) used to develop new interfaces in Thingpedia. This includes both the abstract classes that any Thingpedia interface must subclass, as well as various helpers that are available to Thingpedia packages, to ease interaction with web APIs. This package also contains the client side libraries to retrieve and instantiate the interface code from a public Thingpedia instance.
Thingpedia is developed by the Stanford Open Virtual Assistant Lab, a research initiative led by prof. Monica Lam, from Stanford University. You can find more information at
Documentation for this package is hosted on the Genie wiki.
NOTE: if you are writing an interface for Thingpedia, you should not install this package separately from npm.
The correct version of this module is already available in the environment and you can just require('thingpedia')
The only case where it is useful to install this module separately is when you're developing
a client to Thingpedia (i.e. a custom virtual assistant).
This package is covered by the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.