Database for progressive Webapps
A fork of minimongo for agnostic datasources.
import MemoryDb from 'thermodb/MemoryDb';
const db = new MemoryDb();
const collection = await db.addCollection('things');
// collection === db.collections.things === db.things
const foo = await collection.upsert({ a: 'Hello' });
// -> { id: ..., a: 'Hello' }
Combines results from the local database with remote data.
import HybridDb from 'thermodb/HybridDb';
const db = new IndexedDb(localDb, remoteDb);
await db.addCollection('foo', {
// Cache find results in local db
cacheFind: true,
// Cache findOne results in local db
cacheFindOne: true,
// Return interim results from local db while waiting for remote db (see onRemoteData)
interim: true,
// Use local results if the remote find fails. Only applies if interim is false.
useLocalOnRemoteError: true,
// true to return `findOne` results if any matching result is found in the local database.
// Useful for documents that change rarely.
shortcut: false,
// Set to ms to timeout in for remote calls
timeout: 0,
// Compare function to sort upserts sent to server. (called by Array.sort()
sortUpserts: null,
// called if interim is true and remote data updates local collection
onRemoteData: null,
// called if interim is true and remote find throws an error
onRemoteError: null
Make a local database backed by IndexedDb:
import IndexedDb from 'thermodb/IndexedDb';
const db = new IndexedDb({
Optionally define the key attribute of the documents. Will default
to KeyUtil.getField()
key: null,
Optionally define the KeyUtil instance to generate and manage document ids
keyUtil: null,
Optionally define a namespace to store data
namespace: 'default',
// all options override db options
await db.addCollection('foo', options);
Make an in-memory local database backed by a simple JavaScript object.
import MemoryDb from 'thermodb/MemoryDb';
const db = new MemoryDb({
Optionally define the key attribute of the documents. Will default
to KeyUtil.getField()
key: null,
Optionally define the KeyUtil instance to generate and manage document ids
keyUtil: null,
Optionally define the strategy when returning documents:
- "clone" (default) will deep clone the document before returning it
- "freeze" will prevent any modification of the returned document
safety: "clone",
// all options override db options
await db.addCollection('foo', options);
Uses AJAX-JSON calls to an API to query a server-side database.
import RemoteDb from 'thermodb/RemoteDb';
const db = new RemoteDb({
Optionally define the name of the client that will be passed as argument
to the API
client: null,
Optionally define the KeyUtil instance to generate and manage document ids
keyUtil: null,
The API URL to request and post data
url: '',
Optionally define a function provding the implementation to send data to
the API server
httpClient: defaultHttpClient,
Optionally define the options to pass to the httpClient function
httpOptions: null,
Does the API support QuickFind?
useQuickFind: true,
Does the API support POST request?
usePostFind: true,
await db.addCollection('foo', {
Optionally define the key attribute of the documents. Will default
to KeyUtil.getField()
key: null
Database instances
await db.addCollection(name, options);
// -> a Collection instance
await db.removeCollection(name);
// -> undefined
// -> Array<String>
Collection instances
db.collections['foo'] === db['foo'];
// -> true
await, options);
// -> Array<Object>
await, options);
// -> Object
// -> Object or Array<Object>
// -> mixed