A tiny tool to create THREE.js projects swiftly
A tiny tool to create THREE.js projects swiftly
- THREE.js
- TWEEN.js - optional if not use TWEEN
- OrbitControls.js - optional if under production env
- Stats.js - optional if under production env
Getting Started
Include or require the denpendency files/modules and last the th3me.js itself
Use the class 'Th3me' to create an intance and then init as followed:
const dom = document.getElementById('container');
let options = { ... };
let env = 'test';
let th3me = new Th3me(dom, options, env);
then you'll get a threejs project initialized and run
The most important part is the second param - "options", inside which you can define your own graphics and animations. But it is required to use the same props/method name since the class method override mechanism. All the inner prop/method names are as followed:
- canvasSet
- cameraSet
- fontSet
- colorSet
- textureSet
- dataSet
each prop has its own attributes and the default values are as followed:
let canvasSet = {
width: this.dom.clientWidth || window.innerWidth,
height: this.dom.clientHeight || window.innerHeight,
let cameraSet = {
fov: 45,
aspect: canvasSet.width / canvasSet.height,
near: 1,
far: 10000,
zoom: 0.75,
angle: 0,
let fontSet = {
font: null,
fontName: 'gentilis',
fontWeight: 'regular',
height: 0.1,
size: Math.floor(canvasSet.radius / 10),
url: '',
let colorSet = [0x004ccb, 0x00a2ff, 0x2d4ddc];
let textureSet = [];
let dataSet = [];
where 'canvasSet.radius' of fontSet.size is
canvasSet.radius = cameraSet.zoom * Math.min(canvasSet.width, canvasSet.height) / 2;
and 'url' of fontSet links to '' as empty string by default.
- initParams
- initData
- initRenderer
- initScene
- initCamera
- initLight
- initHelper
- initObject - to create objects on the scene
- initTween - to create tween object
- updatePerFrame - some other animation logic during per frame