Terraform Version Manager
Terraform Version Manager
A NodeJS-based CLI tool to manage terraform versions on a system
Install it globally to manage all the terraform versions
$ npm install -g tfvm
Available Commands
list | ls [--remote | -r]
Use this command to list the downloaded versions of terraform
$ tfvm list # gets all the locally available terraform executables # --- OR --- $ tfvm ls
to get a list of all available releases from Terraform$ tfvm list --remote # displays the available releases from Terraform's website # --- OR --- $ tfvm ls -r
If you do not have any terraform executables on your path, you would see an error, like so:
download | d [version]
This will present a list of available versions, and then a list of releases available for that version from terraform. Choose one with up/down arrow and hit
to download it.$ tfvm download # --- OR --- $ tfvm d
Optionally, a
can be appended to this command which would directly present a list of releases, associated to this version:$ tfvm download 1.3.1 # --- OR --- $ tfvm d 1.3.1
remove | rm [--all | -a]
Use this to remove/delete a particular terraform executable or all terraform executables.
$ tfvm remove # to remove a particular terraform executable # --- OR --- $ tfvm rm
option to remove all the terraform executables.$ tfvm remove --all # to remove all the terraform executables # --- OR --- $ tfvm rm -a
This command will present a list of all the locally available terraform executables. Once a particular executable is selected, it would be set as default and made available to the user via the
commands in the terminal.$ tfvm use # select a terraform executable as default, which can be used via 'terraform' command
NOTE: User might have to perform a one-time update of their PATH variable to include the path indicated by this command.
This command shows the directory where all the terraform executables are stored locally. The default path is the
directory.$ tfvm dir # shows the directory where all the terraform executables are stored
- Currently, platform specfic releases are not filtered out when executing
tfvm list --remote
ortfvm download [version]
command. User needs to make sure that they are downloading the right release for their system.
⭐ This project is inspired by the nvm project 😍
⭐ I created these beautiful gifs by using terminalizer 😍