A self memory-managed place to store Three textures
- A configuration manager, to deal with different datasets, their LOD, chunk size, URL pattern, etc.
- Wrapper object for [texturestore + bufferqueue] that will expose very few of their logic. Internally, the chunk id will be its URL, but this should not be exposed
- The dataset/plane intersection establishes a list of chunks that could be needed
- We establish a priority upon which we desire to get the chunks, based on the LOD we need
- We query the texturestore with this priority, some chunks may already be in store, some may have to be downloaded using the priority queue
How the chunk query works
- send a getChunk request to the wrapper (using dataset ID, LOD, voxel offset x, y, z)
- Provide a callback to this request, to be called with the chunk as argument
- looking in store if available
Case A: The chunk is available
- straight call the callback with the chunk object
Case B: The chunk is not available
- Ask bufferqueue to put it in queue with the priority the chunk was given earlier
- download progresses...
- download ends, the bufferqueue 'success' event is called with the buffer and the URL
- the wrapper looks up