The Textile brand image assets.
h1. Textile branding
These marks represent "Textile":https://textile-lang.com, the markup language developed by "Dean Allen in 2002":https://web.archive.org/web/20021226035527/http://textism.com/tools/textile/. Dean never created a mark for Textile, and for many years no satisfactory mark existed for writers, designers, and developers to use, until now.
Two marks are available in various formats (see specs below):
- wordmark
- logomark
Use either mark for your applications, websites, or anywhere else you employ the simplicity and pleasure of Textile.
h2. Install
You can include Textile branding resources in your project via npm:
bc. npm install textile-mark
h2. Specifications
The typeface for both marks is PT Sans in bold weight. Dimensions are based on a relative value of "x", the stem width of the lowercase "t" at any given font size.
h3. The wordmark
The wordmark is not capitalized and can be used with or without a field color. If with the field color, the spacing dimensions serve as padding between lettering and field edges:
Padding dimensions are relative to the stem width of a "t", as follows:
- 1.5x = top, left, and bottom; measured from the top of the "l", the left edge of the "t" crossbar, and the bottom edge of "t" curve.
- 2x = right, measured from right edge of the "e" curve.
Without the field color, the dimensions serve as minimum margins from neighboring UI elements and edges (but a little extra distance is recommended):
h3. The logomark
The logomark is comprised of three elements: a lowercase "t" and a period/dot (collectively "tee-dot" for convenience) positioned left on a colored field. The "t" represents Textile's name, and its leftward position, combined with the dot, symbolizes a common pattern of Textile use (@p.@, @bq.@, @bc.@...).
Again, padding dimensions are relative to the width of the "t" stem, as follows:
- 1.5x = top, left, and bottom, measured from the outermost edges of the "t".
- 4.5x = right, measured from right edge of the dot.
h2. Usage guidelines
Use the marks however you need, but respect the guidelines when possible for the sake of mark recognition.
For both marks:
- Don't change the typeface or font weight.
- Use a flat design (no gloss, shadows, bevels, etc.).
- Use any size, but ensure the relative distances and proportions are safeguarded.
- Use the recommended colors: ** grayscale (any variation) ** black on field of @#ffeab6@ ** black knockout ** white knockout
- Give the mark some breathing room from surrounding UI elements; 3x is a recommended minimum.
For the wordmark:
- Don't capitalize the first letter.
- All letters must be the same color.
For the logomark:
- The "t" and dot (tee-dot) must be the same color.
- Don't make the icon square loosing the padding proportions.
h2. License
These marks are a public domain dedication under a "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal (CC0-1.0)":https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode license.
h2. Creation and contributions
These marks were designed by "Destry Wion":https://wion.com, with conceptual input from "Julian Reisenberger":http://www.julian.reisenberger.net and "GugUser":https://github.com/GugUser/. Julian Reisenberger also contributed many of the available file formats.