Easy text animations with random character changes.
Easy text animations with random character changes.
Via npm
npm install textformer --save
import { Textformer } from 'textformer';
Or manually import the minified build.
<script src="textformer.min.js"></script>
Basic usage
const demo = new Textformer({
mode: Textformer.modes.EXPAND,
from: '', // Initial text
to: 'Demo', // Final text
steps: 20, // Number of character changes
stagger: 3, // Stagger (in steps) between characters
noise: 0, // Randomness added to steps & stagger
speed: 15, // Number of character changes per second
Advanced options
// Possible modes
mode: Textformer.modes.BASIC,
mode: Textformer.modes.REVERSE,
mode: Textformer.modes.EXPAND,
mode: Textformer.modes.COLLAPSE,
mode: Textformer.modes.SHUFFLE,
// Concatenated character pool
// Used for random character draws
charset: Textformer.charsets.UPPERCASE,
charset: Textformer.charsets.LOWERCASE,
charset: Textformer.charsets.DIGITS,
charset: Textformer.charsets.SYMBOLS,
charset: Textformer.charsets.ALL,
charset: 'abc',
// Character index the animation starts or ends from
// Depending on the mode
origin: 0,
Element to automatically write the text into.
// Valid DOM id selector
output: '#demo',
// Valid DOM class selector
output: '.demo',
// HTML element
output: document.querySelector('demo'),
// Any writeable object
// This will use its property 'textform'
output: {textform: 'demo'},
// window.console, for debugging
output: console,
Using a DOM element will automatically escape the output for HTML.
If this is not the desired behavior, you can output to a JS object and manually
update a DOM element instead.
If outputing straight to the DOM, monospace fonts are recommended.
In some cases, the following CSS settings can help avoid word wrap / line break related visual bugs:
overflow-wrap: break-word;
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre;
The animation is ran using a built-in basic player.
You can bypass this by setting autoplay to false, and then animate the textformer.progress from 0 to 1, using a custom requestAnimationFrame, GSAP etc...
Note that doing so will invalidate all playback related options, such as speed, delay, loop etc.
const demo = new Textformer({
from: 'foo',
to: 'bar',
autoplay: false,
console.log( demo.text ); // Outputs: 'foo'
console.log( demo.progress ); // Outputs: 0
demo.progress = 1;
console.log( demo.text ); // Outputs: 'bar'
// Plays the animation automatically (see above).
autoplay: true,
// Milliseconds to wait before playing
delay: 500,
// Overrides the speed option
// Use if you need a fixed duration
// Speed is usually more consistent
duration: 0,
// Play the animation backwards
reversed: false,
// Speed multiplier, useful for yoyo animations
reverseSpeed: 1.5,
// Milliseconds to wait before playing in reverse mode
// Useful for yoyo animations
// Uses regular delay if unspecified
reverseDelay: 1500,
// Times to repeat the animation
// Set to -1 for infinite loop
repeat: 0,
// Loops the animation indefinitely
// Shorthand for repeat: -1
loop: true,
// Toggles direction when reaching either end
yoyo: false,
The built-in player can add some basic easing to the animations.
easing: Textformer.ease.LINEAR, // Default
easing: Textformer.ease.CIRC_IN,
easing: Textformer.ease.CIRC_OUT,
easing: Textformer.ease.CIRC_IN_OUT,
easing: Textformer.ease.SINE_IN_,
// Etc...
// Functions available:
Callback functions can be fired on specific conditions.
onBegin : () => console.log( 'animation starts' ),
onUpdate : () => console.log( 'enter a new frame' ),
onChange : () => console.log( 'the text changed' ),
onComplete: () => console.log( 'animation ends' ),
Those two options allows for easy mouse control of the animation, using the built-in player.
This provides an easy way to play the animation forward on pointerenter / pointerdown, and reverse it on pointerleave / pointerup.
// For pointerenter + pointerleave
hover: true,
// For pointerdown + pointerup
press: true,
Option to align from and to texts.
This is done by padding the shorter text to match the longer text's length, using a fill string.
For example, aligning "foo" on the right, with a 5 characters word, using "-", will give "--foo"
// Possible aligns
align: Textformer.align.NONE,
align: Textformer.align.LEFT,
align: Textformer.align.CENTER,
align: Textformer.align.RIGHT,
// Fill string used for aligning the texts
fill: ' ', // Uses whitespace by default
fill: 'abc', // Will be repeated if too short (abcabc...)
If you need a specific option to default to a specific value for all your Textformer instances, you can set it via the static property Textformer.defaults.
Textformer.defaults.steps = 15; // Steps will now default to 15
If you only need a built textform to animate with another tween engine, you can use the static method Textformer.build( options ) instead of a regular constructor. It will invalidate any autoplay or event option, and return a basic Textform instance. You can then animate its progress property as you like.
const textform = Textformer.build( options );
textform.progress = 0.5;
With default values.
const demo = new Textformer({
// Core
mode: Textformer.modes.BASIC,
from: undefined,
to: undefined,
steps: 5,
stagger: 3,
noise: 0,
charset: Textformer.charsets.ALL,
origin: undefined,
output: undefined,
// Align
align: Textformer.align.NONE,
fill: ' ',
// Player
autoplay: true,
speed: Textformer.DEFAULT_SPEED,
easing: Textformer.ease.LINEAR,
delay: 0,
duration: 0,
reversed: false,
reverseSpeed: 1,
reverseDelay: undefined,
repeat: 0,
loop: false,
yoyo: false,
// Callbacks
onBegin: undefined,
onUpdate: undefined,
onChange: undefined,
onComplete: undefined,
// Events
hover: false,
press: false,
Kedan - 2021