This package simply allows you to shorten strings to the required character length you input and concats a "..." to the end of the new string.
Text Trimmer NPM Package
I created this package because I found myself needing to trim text frequently and using the .concat function to add "..." to the end of text stings for posts, blogs etc within my fullstack applications. Rather than repeatedly making the same helper function for each project, I decided to make this npm package to save my time and hopefully others too.
This package does the following
This package will turn:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Curabitur
to a length of your choosing, for example, 20 characters:
Lorem ipsum dolor si...
How it works
In this package you have 2 variables you need to enter text
and charLength
. It's very simple to achieve the above.
Call the function textTrimmer(textString, 20);
to output a string with a limit of 20 characters
It's important to note that this package will only accept strings! If the string length of the string is shorter than your charLength variable, you will just have your input returned.
How to install
Head to your terminal within your project directory and type:
$ npm install text-trimmer
$ yarn add text-trimmer