Turn arbitrary text to a valid javascript identifier
Text to JS Identifier
Turn arbitrary text into a valid javascript identifier.
I found this code useful as I have been experimenting with building languages that compile into javascript in my spare time. Often I prefer to use identifiers that allow more characters that javascript does.
If you are using node.js, install with npm:
$ npm install text-to-js-identifier
then use it in your file like so:
var to_js_identifier = require("text-to-js-identifier");
to_js_identifier("hey!"); // -> "hey_$exclamationmark_"
If you are using ender, then add it to your library:
$ ender add text-to-js-identifier
and use it like this:
$.to_js_identifier("bool?"); // -> "bool_$questionmark_"
If you aren't using node or ender, then the function can be found in your global scope after you have downloaded and included your file:
to_js_identifier("pretty easy"); // -> "pretty_$space_easy"
Technical Details
If your text happens to be a javascript keyword, then the keyword will be wrapped in _$
and _
(in fact, all replaced values are wrapped this way):
in -> _$in_
throw -> _$throw_
function -> _$function_
If your text contains an invalid character, it will in most cases be replaced by a human-readable and javascript-compatable representation of that character:
- -> _$dash_
. -> _$period_
~ -> _$tilde_
If we don't have a handy human-readable representation on hand, we just display the ASCII character code:
0 -> _$ASCII_48_
† -> _$ASCII_8224_
ƒ -> _$ASCII_402_
If the text contains a part that is wrapped in _$
and _
(in other words, if it looks like a generated identifier), we will escape that with another set of wrappings. This is so that it is not possible to have two bits of different text generate the same identifier:
_$hey_ -> _$_$hey__
_$in_ -> _$_$in__
_$ASCII_402_ -> _$_$ASCII_402__
All text that is already valid will simply pass through unchanged:
hey -> hey
?wassup -> _$questionmark_wassup
etc. -> etc_$period_
hey,you -> hey_$comma_you
As you can see, replacement values can go anywhere. Any ASCII-compatable string should generate a valid javascript identifier.