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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Micro Tetris Engine





The TetrisJS framework abstracts the controller logic of Tetris without touching the view layer (DOM). It adheres to Classical Tetris rules which do not include things such as gravity or score combos. There is an extensive example on how to use the framework in the examples folder.


Include the tetris.min.js file into the head of your document. Then the window.tetris object will then be available for use.

<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/tetris.min.js"></script>


  • Tetrimino - There are seven types of tetriminos I, T, O, S, Z, J, L and they represent the shape they create.
  • Mino - Single square on the board.
  • Hard Drop - When the currently falling tetrimino instantly drops to its lowest point.
  • Block Out - When a mino of the tetrimino is outside the board when it lands, signaling the end of a game.


There is a full working example using the TetrisJS framework under examples/basicExample.html. However here is a small snippet to see what the pattern is.

//Bind to the event listeners
	//Render the tetrimino the board
	//Rerender the entire board

//Bind tetris actions to key strokes - (example uses jQuery)
		case 37:	tetris.moveLeft();		break;
		case 38:	tetris.rotateRight();	break;
		case 39:	tetris.moveRight();		break;

Event Listeners

All event listeners return the tetris object so that they can be chained. For example tetris.onLevelUp().onBlockOut();

  • onMove(tetrimino, oldTetrimino)

    • Description - Binds to move event of the falling tetrimino. This event is fired when the tetrimino rotates, moves horizontally, or drops.
    • Parameters
      • tetrimino - {type:"Z",minos:[{row:1,col:5},...]}
      • oldTetrimino - {type:"Z",minos:[{row:1,col:5},...]}
  • onMatrix(boardMatrix)

    • Description - Binds to full matrix changes. These occur when a tetrimino is added to the board or the board is cleared.
    • Parameters
      • boardMatrix - [["Z","I","","",...],...] - This is a 2D array ([rows][cols]) showing which mino is in every space of the board.
  • onClearLines(lines,totalLines,boardMatrix)

    • Description - Binds to the clear lines event. This occurs after a tetrimino is placed on the board, and if a row is complete.
    • Parameters
      • lines - The number of lines currently cleared in this event (Range: 1-4).
      • totalLines - The total number of lines cleared throughout the game.
      • boardMatrix - Same parameter as onMatrix
  • onLevelUp(level)

    • Description - Binds to the "level up" event. This event occurs after a certain number of lines have been cleared.
    • Parameters
      • level - The new level (Range: 0-n)
  • onBlockOut()

    • Description - Binds to the block off the board event. When this event fires, the game is over.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • onGhost(ghost, oldGhost)

    • Description - Binds to the ghost change event. This event fires when a new tetrimino begins to drop, is rotated, or moves horizontally.
    • Parameters
      • ghost - {type:"Z",minos:[{row:1,col:5},...]}
      • oldGhost - {type:"Z",minos:[{row:1,col:5},...]}
  • onPause()

    • Description - Binds the pause event. This event is fired when togglePause method is called.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • onPlay()

    • Description - Binds the play event. This event is fired when togglePause method is called.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • onQueue(nextTetrimino)

    • Description - Binds to the queue updated event. This event is fired when the piece from the queue now becomes the active one.
    • Parameters
      • nextTetrimino - {type:"Z",matrix:[[true,false,false,...],...]} - The matrix return parameter represents a square (2x2, 3x3, or 4x4) of the shape of the tetrimino.
  • onScore(score, oldScore)

    • Description - Binds to the score changed event. This event is fired when the score gets updated by completing lines or dropping pieces.
    • Parameters
      • score - The total new score.
      • oldScore - The previous total score - used to determine the difference.


All of the action methods will return the tetris object so that they can be chained as well.

  • newGame(level)

    • Description - Resets the board, timer, lines, score, and starts a new game
    • Parameters
      • level - Specifies which level to start at. Range: 0-n
  • moveLeft()

    • Description - Moves the currently falling tetrimino one block to the left if possible.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • moveRight()

    • Description - Moves the currently falling tetrimino one block to the right if possible.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • hardDrop()

    • Description - Drops the currently falling tetrimino as far as it can go. This is also the same position as the ghost.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • softDrop()

    • Description - Drops the currently falling tetrimino one space down.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • rotateRight()

    • Description - Rotates the currently falling tetrimino in a clockwise direction.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • rotateLeft()

    • Description - Rotates the currently falling tetrimino in a counter-clockwise direction.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • togglePause()

    • Description - Pauses and un-pauses the game.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • toggleHold()

    • Description - Toggles placing a hold on the queue so that the next falling tetrimino will be a random new one and the queue will remain the same.
    • Parameters
      • None


These helper methods are optional and do not necessarily need to be used since everything can be accomplished using the event listeners. See the example for further details.

  • getScore()

    • Description - Returns the current total score of the game.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • getLevel()

    • Description - Returns the current level of the game.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • getLines()

    • Description - Returns the total number of cleared lines from the current game.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • getBoard()

    • Description - Returns the full boardMatrix object.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • getTetriminoType()

    • Description - Returns the currently falling tetrimino type.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • isOnHold()

    • Description - Returns a boolean indicating if the queue is on hold.
    • Parameters
      • None
  • getTimer()

    • Description - Returns the timer object.
    • Parameters
      • None