Submit your automated test runs to your Test Track account project
The Test Track CLI allows you to submit your automated test runs from your CI/CD servers and submit the results to your project under your Test Track account. Test Track can process results from JUnit XML files which most CI/CD servers support
The package is available via npm by running the following command. The below installs it globally so its available from anywhere, supports all platforms where Node is installed and supported.
npm -g install Test-Track/test-track-cli
In order to submit an automated test run, you first need to generate an API key under your Test Track account.
You can do this by going to Account & Billing in the top right menu and then go to API keys. Then click the plus button to create a new API key. You can either create one API key for all your projects, but we recommend creating an API key for each project and/or CI/CD server.
Your CI/CD server needs to submit the result file in JUnit format and provide the cli the options for the API key, project id and the path to the file.
To submit the result file, the command is as follows:
test-track-cli --api-key <API KEY> --project-id <PROJECT ID> --file /path/to/file/result.xml
test-track-cli --api-key dofosnbssnvs --project-id 12345678 --file /my-proj/test-results/results.xml
If you're automated test run was submitted successfully you should see
the output Successfully submitted output test run
If you get anything else, then it means something has gone wrong, either with what data has been provided in the CLI command, or something wrong with the Test Track API.
Below are the responses that could be returned
403 Forbidden
Your API key does not match an API key against your account
404 Not Found
The project ID you provided was not found under your account
503 Service Unavailable
It should be unlikely you would receive this. This means something has gone wrong on the Test Track API that it couldn't process the request at this time.