Proxy library to unblock the web!
Module specialized in proxying websites to unblock the web.
Table of contents:
Module Use
npm install alloyproxy
Set all of your configs in the main file for the Node app.
Start up your app and unblock a website at
. The path of the website does not have to be B64 encoded.
A good example of what code to use is here using the Express.js framework.
Sample Express Application
Navigate to the
folder.Do the following commands:
cd examples/express
npm install
npm start
The demo application will run at localhost:8080
by default however the port can be configured in config.json
The static folder provides you with the base site if you wish to go manual about this.
Sample Implementation
Add this to your server-side script ex. "app.js".
// Note: make sure you use Alloy before any other Express middleware that sends responses to client or handles POST data.
const Alloy = require('alloyproxy'),
http = require('http'),
express = require('express'),
app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
const Unblocker = new Alloy({
prefix: '/fetch/',
request: [],
response: [],
injection: true,
// The main part of the proxy.
// WebSocket handler.
General Use
prefix: '/prefix/',
blocklist: [],
// error: (proxy) => { return proxy.res.end('proxy.error.info.message') }, Custom error handling which is optional.
request: [], // Add custom functions before request is made or modify the request.
response: [], // Add custom functions after the request is made or modify the response.
injection: true, // Script injection which is helpful in rewriting window.fetch() and all kinds of client-side JS requests.
requestAgent: null, // Set a custom agent to use in the request.
// userAgent: Uses the clients "User-Agent" request header by default. More customizable using the "request" option in the configs.
localAddress: [] // Neat feature in basic http(s).request() to choose what IP to use to make the request. Will be randomized if there is multiple.
Extended Configuration Information
To use the "request" and "response" options in the config. You must make a function like this for example.
customFunction = (proxy) => {
if (proxy.url.hostname == 'example.org' && proxy.response.headers['content-type'].startsWith('text/html')) {
return proxy.sendResponse == proxy.sendResponse.toString().replace(/example/gi, 'cat :3');
new Alloy({
prefix: '/prefix/',
blocklist: [],
// error: (proxy) => { return proxy.res.end('proxy.error.info.message') }, Custom error handling which is optional.
request: [], // Add custom functions before request is made or modify the request.
response: [
], // Add custom functions after the request is made or modify the response.
injection: true, // Script injection which is helpful in rewriting window.fetch() and all kinds of client-side JS requests.
requestAgent: null, // Set a custom agent to use in the request.
// userAgent: Uses the clients "User-Agent" request header by default. More customizable using the "request" option in the configs.
localAddress: [] // Neat feature in basic http(s).request() to choose what IP to use to make the request. Will be randomized if there is multiple.
What this will do is when the hostname of a website being accessed is example.org
. The console sends you "weee :3". If you want a preview of what options you have, heres a list. :)
// Basic HTTP functions.
proxy.req // This is the request option in HTTP servers. If Express.js is being used, you can use Express.js functions.
proxy.res // This is the response option in HTTP servers. If Express.js is being used, you can use Express.js functions.
proxy.next() // This is only avaliable in Express.js . If used in native HTTP, the app will display blank text as a filler.
// Request
proxy.request.headers // A modified version of the client's request headers used in sending the request.
proxy.request.method // The clients request method.
proxy.request.body // The POST body of a POST / PATCH request.
// Response
proxy.response // The entire response of the website. Contains headers, JSON / text response, and all Node.js http(s).request() response data.
proxy.response.headers // Response headers the website gave back. Is modified to filter out bad headers, and rewrite "Set-Cookie" header.
proxy.sendResponse // The modified response buffer the website gave back. You can modify it in anyway you desire. :)
// Errors
proxy.error.status // Outputs "true" when theres an error.
proxy.error.info // Gives information about an error.
proxy.error.info.code // Gives error code. Error codes such as "ENOTFOUND" mean a website could not be found. "BLOCKED" means a website is blocked.
proxy.error.info.message // Gives error message.
proxy.blocked.status // Outputs "true" when a filtered hostname is detected.
Websocket Proxy Information
Alloy does come with a built in websocket proxy. To use it, you must have an HTTP server already defined. The example of using Alloy as Express middleware already uses the websocket proxy.