OpenAPI client for testcollab-sdk
This SDK allows Test Collab clients to call API easily, build custom workflows, reports, and integrations with CI/CD pipelines and more.
To install the library, use npm:
npm install testcollab-sdk
Usage Example
You'll need to authenticate the client before you can use any methods.
There are 2 possible authentication methods:
a) API key: To generate API key: login to your TestCollab account and go to 'My Profile Settings' and switch to API Token tab. Click on "Generate new API token".
b) Access token: This requires logging into API programmatically with this SDK using login method which will provide a auth token.
For the purpose of this documentation, we'll stick to the API key based authorization.
API Key method:
import { Configuration, TestPlansApi, TestPlanTestCasesApi, TestPlansAssignmentApi } from 'testcollab-sdk';
let apiKey = '123456-abc';
let config = new Configuration({
fetchApi: (url, options) => {
// append the token to the url if no query string is present
if (!url.includes('?')) {
url = url + '?token=' + apiKey;
else {
url = url + '&token=' + apiKey;
return fetch(url, options)
const testPlansApi = new TestPlansApi(config);
Test Plan Add
const response = await testPlansApi.addTestPlan({
testPlanPayload: {
project: 1234,
title: 'From SDK',
description: 'This is a test plan is created using the Node.js SDK',
status: 1,
priority: 1,
testPlanFolder: null,
customFields: []
// get the test plan id
const testPlanId = response.id;
console.log('Test Plan ID: ' + testPlanId)
Add New Test Cases to Test Plan
const testPlanCases = new TestPlanTestCasesApi(config);
const res2 = await testPlanCases.bulkAddTestPlanTestCases({
testplan: testPlanId,
"testCaseCollection": {
testCases: [1, 2, 3],
selector: []
Assign test cases to a tester in test plan
const testPlanAssignment = new TestPlansAssignmentApi(config);
const res3 = await testPlanAssignment.assignTestPlan({
project: 1234,
testplan: testPlanId,
testPlanAssignmentPayload: {
"executor": "me",
"assignmentCriteria": "testCase",
"assignmentMethod": "automatic",
"assignment": {
"user": [2],
"testCases": {
"testCases": [],
"selector": []
"configuration": null
"project": 1234,
"testplan": testPlanId
API Documentation
Detailed API documentation is available at Test Collab OpenAPI specs.
Test Collab Software LLC
Contact Information
For support, please contact us at [email protected].