VM provisioning for automated testing
Locks is a virtual machine traffic control service for SauceLabs users.
It ensures a test is never waiting to acquire a virtual machine. This allows orchestration software to avoid killing tests early for reasons unrelated to failure (i.e. a test should never be punished for running too long if it was merely waiting for a VM to become available).
The preferred method for installing locks
is as a global module:
npm install -g testarmada-locks
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
export SAUCE_USERNAME='xxxxxxxxxxxx'
# optionally configure statsd
export LOCKS_STATSD_URL=hostname.of.statsd.server.com
# optionally configure locks' listener port (default 4765)
export LOCKS_PORT=4567
Running with Docker
Check out our Dockerfile here
# docker build . -t testarmada/locks
# docker run -e SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY='YOUR_KEY' \
--restart=always \
--publish=4765:4765 \
--detach=true \
--name=locks \
-d testarmada/locks
Websocket API
To communicate with locks
, open a websocket to your locks URL and use the claim and release API, outlined below:
Claiming VMs
Send the following to locks
to attempt to claim a VM:
"type": "claim"
If locks
accepts your claim, you will eventually receive the following message:
"accepted": true,
"token": <string>
The locks
websocket API will always try to satisfy as many claims as you've recently made until it runs out of capacity. If this happens, your client will receive a rejection. If a claim is rejected, the return message will look like this:
"accepted": false
If your claim is rejected, locks
is no longer attempting to claim a VM for you, and your client must poll again.
Releasing VMs (OPTIONAL)
To more accurately track VM supply, your client can send a courtesy message informing locks
that you are no longer using a recently-claimed VM. Simply send a release message along with the token of the claim. Note that this is a safe operation even if locks
has already expired the corresponding claim token.
"type": "release",
"token": <string>
Proxy Configuration
To use a proxy to reach Saucelabs when querying the Saucelabs API, locks
checks the presence of an environment variable called SAUCE_OUTBOUND_PROXY
in the sauce provider.
$ export SAUCE_OUTBOUND_PROXY=http://your-internal-proxy-host:8080
$ locks