A test runner for running the ECMAScript Test Suite against a parser
A test runner for running the ECMAScript Test Suite against a given parser.
npm i test262-parser-runner
The test runner provides two means for marking bad test cases.
First, you can pass a skip filter, which is a function that gets the test case passed in and returns true if a test should be completely skipped. It is most useful for filtering out tests that are not supposed to pass, for example because they test features that are not supposed to be implemented.
Second, there is a whitelist, which is a list of test ids that don't yield the expected result. It should be used for tests that are supposed to succeed eventually.
This is a simple example for running the tests against acorn:
const run = require("test262-parser-runner")
const parse = require("acorn").parse
(content, {sourceType}) => parse(content, { sourceType, ecmaVersion: 9 }),
skip: test => false, // Default is to skip no test
whitelist: [], // Default is to whitelist no test
testsDirectory: "/path/to/test262" // Default is to use the bundled version
Authors and license
This package is based on a MIT-licensed test runner implemented by Mike Pennisi for the babel project.
The package itself is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 by Adrian Heine.