Automatically copy common files or part of files between projects
You can copy/link automatically all your common config files of all your projects from a template directory. You can config to copy parts of files that is common in different projects. It's util for common config files/parts for all subprojects/microservices like .gitignore, copyright, etc.
Config your project
Add the dependency:
npm install templated-npm --save-dependency
You must create a "templated.json" file with your templated reposiotory source configured:
"source": "../templated-example-template2"
Or you can indicate multiple sources with an array:
"sources": [
Config your template repository
Copy files
All files in the templated repository was copied to your project automatically.
Copy parts
If you want to embed a part of file you can create in your templated repository a file with the name: file-name-when-you-want-embed|embed-tag.part
For example:
The "content part" was replaced in your file with the position of the embed-tag indicated. You must indicate in your file where you want put the content with your embed tag. In a .md/.html file it is with:
<!-- start|embed-tag --> it was replaced <!-- end|embed-tag -->
For example:
<!-- start|copyright --> it was replaced <!-- end|copyright -->
If you want put in de start or de end of the file you don't need define the embed tag position. Simply use files with tag "start" or "end" like:
You can view an example of use in: https://github.com/miyoda/templated-example-usage.git
The example use the template: https://github.com/miyoda/templated-example-template.git