CLI that kinda help with frontend development
CLI that kinda help with frontend development
Table of Content
$ npm i -g template9
$ t9 init
what is the name of the project? : string!
what is the root of the project? : string = frontend
use docker? : [ true, false ] = true
install dependencies? : [ true, false ] = true
add the first entry? : [ true, false ] = true
if (add the first entry?) {
what is the name of the entry? : string!
What is the default language code for this entry? : string = en
this will apply the following:
`C: ${root}/config/index.d.ts` // type def file
`C: ${root}/config/index.js` // global config
`C: ${root}/src/components` // frontend components
`C: ${root}/src/config/index.ts` // frontend config
`C: ${root}/src/entries` // the view layer (entry)
`C: ${root}/src/redux` // data layer
`C: ${root}/src/types/index.ts` // frontend types
`C: ${root}/src/types/template-types.ts` // a readonly frontend types related to template9
`C: ${root}/types/index.ts` // global types
`C: ${root}/.editorconfig` // conventional configs for the editor
`C: ${root}/.gitignore` // paths to be ignored by git
`C: ${root}/package.json` // the npm package manifest
`C: ${root}/t9config.json` // template9 config file
`C: ${root}/tsconfig.json` // typescript config file
`C: ${root}/tslint.json` // typescript linting config
`C: ${root}/webpack.config.js` // webpack config file
if (add the first entry) {
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/components` // entry components
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/config/default-language/dictionary.json` // dictionary file
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/config/default-language/index.d.ts` // type def file
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/config/default-language/index.js` // default language config for this entry
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/config/index.ts` // entry config index file
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/dictionary-fallbacks.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/dictionary-overwrites.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/dictionary.scss.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/index.tsx`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/style-initial.scss`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/style-overwrite.scss`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/entry/style.scss`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/scenes` // entry scenes
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${firstEntry}/types/index.ts` // entry types
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${firstEntry}/actions/index.ts` // redux actions
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${firstEntry}/constants/index.ts` // redux constants
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${firstEntry}/constants/reducers.ts` // redux reducers
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${firstEntry}/index.ts` // redux store entry point
add entry
$ t9 add entry
what is the name of the entry? : string!
What is the default language code for this entry? : string = "en"
this will do the following:
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/components`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/default-language/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/default-language/index.d.ts`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/default-language/index.js`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/index.ts`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/dictionary-fallbacks.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/dictionary-overwrites.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/dictionary.scss.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/index.tsx`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/style-initial.scss`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/style-overwrite.scss`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/style.scss`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/types/index.ts`
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/actions/index.ts`
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/constants/index.ts`
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/constants/reducers.ts`
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
add config
$ t9 add config
where do you want put the config? : [ "fullstack level", "frontend level", "entry level" ]
if (where === "entry level" && t9config.entries.length > 1) {
in what entry do you want put the config? : [ ...t9config.entries ]
what is the name of the config? : string!
if (where !== "fullstack level") {
typescript or javascript? : [ "typescript", "javascript" ] = "typescript"
this will do the following:
if ("fullstack level"){
`C: ${root}/config/${config}/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/config/${config}/index.d.ts`
`C: ${root}/config/${config}/index.js`
`U: ${root}/config/index.ts`
} else if ("frontend level"){
`C: ${root}/src/config/${config}/dictionary.json`
if ("typescript"){
`C: ${root}/src/config/${config}/index.ts`
} else if ("javascript"){
`C: ${root}/src/config/${config}/index.js`
`C: ${root}/src/config/${config}/index.d.ts`
`U: ${root}/src/config/index.ts`
} else if ("entry level"){
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/${config}/dictionary.json`
if ("typescript"){
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/${config}/index.ts`
} else if ("javascript"){
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/${config}/index.js`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/${config}/index.d.ts`
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/config/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
add type
$ t9 add type
where do you want put the type? : [ "fullstack level", "frontend level", "entry level" ]
if (where === "entry level" && t9config.entries.length > 1) {
in what entry do you want put the type? : [ ...t9config.entries ]
what is the name of the type? : string!
add properties to the type
enter an empty property name when done
while (1) {
property name : string!
if (!property name) break;
property type : [ "custom", ...t9.types ]
if (!property type === "custom" ) {
enter custom property type? : string!
required? : [ true, false ] = true
this will do the following:
if ("fullstack level"){
`U: ${root}/types/index.ts`
} else if ("frontend level"){
`U: ${root}/src/types/index.ts`
} else if ("entry level"){
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/types/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
add scene
$ t9 add scene
in what entry do you want put the scene? : [ ...t9config.entries ]
under what scene do you want put it? : [ "root", ...t9config.scenes ]
what is the name of the scene? : string!
what is the url path of the scene? : string!
preform exact match on the url path? : [ true, false] = true
add properties to the scene
enter an empty property name when done
while (1) {
property name : string!
if (!property name) break;
property type : [ "custom", ...t9.types ]
if (!property type === "custom" ) {
enter custom property type? : string!
nullable? : [ true, false ] = true
undefinable? : [ true, false ] = false
initial value? : { JS statement }
add lazy operation for this scene? : [ true, false ] = true
if (add lazy operation for this scene) {
what is the name of the operation? : string!
repeatable? : [ true, false ] = false
under what group do you want put its actions? : [ "/${scene?}", "root", ...t9config.actions.map(to groups), "< create new one >" ]
if ( group === "< create new one >" ){
what is the name of the group? : string!
add actions to the lazy operation
enter an empty action name when done
while (1) {
action name : string!
if (!action name) break;
this will do the following:
if (!scene){
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${name}/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${name}/index.tsx`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${name}/index.scss`
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/index.scss`
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/index.tsx`
} else if (scene){
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/${name}/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/${name}/index.tsx`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/${name}/index.scss`
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/index.scss`
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/index.tsx`
if ( add lazy operation for this scene ) {
if (!group){
`U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/actions/index.ts`
} else if (group){
`C|U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/actions/${group}/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
add component
$ t9 add component
in what entry do you want put the component? : [ ...t9config.entries ]
under what scene do you want put it? : [ "root", ...t9config.scenes ]
what is the name of the component? : string!
stateless? : [ true, false] = true
add properties to the component
enter an empty property name when done
while (1) {
property name : string!
if (!property name) break;
property type : [ "custom", ...t9.types ]
if (!property type === "custom" ) {
enter custom property type? : string!
nullable? : [ true, false ] = true
undefinable? : [ true, false ] = false
if (!stateless) {
fill the properties of the state object of the component
enter an empty property name when done
while (1) {
property name : string!
if (!property name) break;
property type : [ "custom", ...t9.types ]
if (!property type === "custom" ) {
enter custom property type? : string!
nullable? : [ true, false ] = true
undefinable? : [ true, false ] = false
initial value? : { JS statement }
this will do the following:
if (!scene){
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/components/${name}/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/components/${name}/index.tsx`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/components/${name}/index.scss`
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/index.scss`
} else if (scene){
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/components/${name}/dictionary.json`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/components/${name}/index.tsx`
`C: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/components/${name}/index.scss`
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/index.scss`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
add lazy-operation
$ t9 add lazy-operation
in what entry do you want put the operation? : [ ...t9config.entries ]
under what scene do you want put it? : [ "root", ...t9config.scenes ]
what is the name of the operation? : string!
what is the url path of the operation? : string!
preform exact match on the url path? : [ true, false] = true
repeatable? : [ true, false ] = false
under what group do you want put its actions? : [ "root", ...t9config.actions.map(to groups), "< create new one >" ]
if ( group === "< create new one >" ){
what is the name of the group? : string!
add actions to the operation
enter an empty action name when done
while (1) {
action name : string!
if (!action name) break;
this will do the following:
if (!scene){
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/entry/index.tsx`
} else if (scene){
`U: ${root}/src/entries/${entry}/scenes/${scene}/index.tsx`
if (!group){
`U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/actions/index.ts`
} else if (group){
`C|U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/actions/${group}/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
add action
$ t9 add action
in what entry do you want put the action? : [ ...t9config.entries ]
under what group do you want put it? : [ "root", ...t9config.actions.map(to groups), "< create new one >" ]
if ( group === "< create new one >" ){
what is the name of the group? : string!
what is the name of the action? : string!
add parameter to the action function
enter an empty parameter name when done
while (1) {
parameter name : string!
if (!parameter name) break;
parameter type : [ "custom", ...t9.types ]
if (!parameter type === "custom" ) {
enter custom parameter type? : string!
required? : [ true, false ] = true
if ( !required ){
default value? : string
this will do the following:
if (!group){
`U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/actions/index.ts`
} else if (group){
`C|U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/actions/${group}/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
add reducer
$ t9 add reducer
in what entry do you want put the reducer? : [ ...t9config.entries ]
under what reducer do you want put it? : [ "root", ...t9config.reducers ]
what is the name of the reducer? : string!
fill the properties of the state object of the reducer
enter an empty property name when done
while (1) {
property name : string!
if (!property name) break;
property type : [ "custom", ...t9.types ]
if (!property type === "custom" ) {
enter custom property type? : string!
nullable? : [ true, false ] = true
undefinable? : [ true, false ] = false
initial value? : { JS statement }
this will do the following:
if (!reducer){
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/reducer/${name}/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/reducer/index.ts`
} else if (reducer){
`C: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/reducer/${reducer}/${name}/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/src/redux/${entry}/reducer/${reducer}/index.ts`
`U: ${root}/t9config.json`
$ t9 --version
$ t9 -v
To get started see the contributing guidelines.
Unit test :
Unit test are written in Mocha. Please add a unit test for every new feature or bug fix. npm test
to run the test suite.
Documentation : Add documentation for every Command change. Feel free to send typo fixes and better docs!
- [x] CLI prompts
- [ ] Init a new project (with an optional example)
- [ ] Update existing project (add scenes, ...etc)
- [ ] Upgrade the template of an existing project
- [ ] Use the new React lazy and suspense for the lazy switch for scenes and sub-scenes
- [ ] Lazy operations
- [x] New Localization algorithm fc703dd
- [x] Split style instead of loading one giant CSS bundle ee3d500
- [ ] SSR with
(no need for server side Redux, just stick with loading lazy components with initial state ) - [ ] Transition and animation
- [ ] Blocking lazyloading
- [ ] Use Concurrent React when it comes out instead of Blocking lazyloading
Copyright (c) 2019 Zakaria Mansouri (twitter: @zibanpirate) Licensed under the MIT license.