WebKit simplifies web development with its headless table, dynamic form, and HOC features. These built-in tools streamline projects, providing efficient data management, interactive forms, and reusable components. With WebKit, developers create robust app
WebKit Documentation
WebKit simplifies web development with its built-in tools and features. It streamlines projects, providing efficient data management, interactive forms, and reusable components. With WebKit, developers can create robust applications more easily, enhancing productivity and delivering a seamless user experience.
Headless Table
WebKit's headless table feature enables developers to create high-performance tables effortlessly. It minimizes re-rendering, ensuring smooth user experiences. The feature promotes accessibility, complying with standards and facilitating compatibility with assistive technologies. Its structure simplifies table of contents creation.
- Table
- config
- tableConfig.js
- accessors
- accessors.js
- index.js
- HeadlessTable.js
- config
Table Config
Table config contains array of objetc that contain id, titleAccessor, accessor and accessorsicon.
const tableConfig = [
id: "name",
titleAccessor: "Name",
accessor: 'name,
accessorIcon: "₹",
id: "email",
titleAccessor: emailTitleAccessor,
accessor: emailAccessor,
accessorIcon: "₹",
id: id is unique property for your table cell.
titleAccessor: Basically it contain string formated table header, ass per requirement we can create title accessors as shown below, that will help you to create custom title accessors
accessor: Accessors let you access table data from table. You can just pass a string ( key that present in table row data) to access the value of that key or create a custom accessor as shown below. you will get data and generic props in that custom accessor
const EmailAccessor = ({ data, genericProps, index }) => {
return <>// your code goes here</>;
export default EmailAccessor;
accessorIcon: Here you can pass any icon symbol for adding prefix to you table cell
Table Row data
This contain table row infomation in a array of object format here is Example-
const tableRowData = [
name: "Jhon",
email: "[email protected]",
name: "lator",
email: "[email protected]",
Table Generic props
Generic props can be anything that can pass through Headless Table to access parent components props, function and ref etc.
How to import
import { HeadlessTable } from "template-web-kit";
// Your code here...
Dynamic Form
A cutting-edge structure has been developed for dynamic forms, boasting a remarkable 10x speed advantage over basic forms and other third-party libraries. By optimizing render processes, this structure enables the creation of lightning-fast forms. Field-specific changes trigger targeted re-renders, resulting in unmatched speed and efficiency.
- Form
- constants
- constant.js
- formfields
- fields.js
- helper
- fieldskey.js
- initialvalues.js
- dependencies.js
- helper.js
- util
- validationSchema.js
- index.js
- Form.js
- constants
constants just simplify to storing keys of form so that form can get same key from fields keys, initial values, dependancy
- Note - Keys shoud be same for a fields for getting field, to access the state of that field and also for structure.
export const FIRST_NAME = "firstName";
export const LAST_NAME = "lastName";
export const EMAIL_ID = "email";
export const TITLE = "title";
export const DESCRIPTION = "description";
export const BASIC_INFO_CONTAINER = "basic_info_container";
Loyout for form design
Layout help you out to create form structure as per your design, this layout structure comes with object and arrays. object measn we are creating a container or wrappre of a form, array shows fields. In five Example we BASIC_INFO_CONTAINER will wrap the fields added in it's value, and array will place fields accordingly
export const formLayout = [
Fields Key
fields key will import from constants as we have mentioned on above key should be same for fields in every aspects.
- Note: create these fields components in formfields folder import from that folder.
export const fieldsKey = {
[FIRST_NAME]: FirstNameField,
[LAST_NAME]: LastNameField,
[EMAIL_ID]: EmailIdField,
[TITLE]: TitleField,
[DESCRIPTION]: DescriptionField,
[BASIC_INFO_CONTAINER]: ({ children }) => (
<ContainerWrapper title="Basic User Info">{children}</ContainerWrapper>
Initial Values
In This exmple will show how we can give initital values to form fields by using there keys.
export const initiakKeys = {
[FIRST_NAME]: "John",
[LAST_NAME]: "Smith",
[EMAIL_ID]: "[email protected]",
[TITLE]: "title goes here",
[DESCRIPTION]: "Description...",
Form Fields
create custom form fields where you can access generic props comming from parent components or from outside of form it can be a function , state and ref etc.
- Note: Here you're getting email, lastName cause in example we add this to fields value in dependancy.
import { InputWithLabel } from 'template-web-kit';
const FirstNameField = ({firstName, email, lastName, setValue, genericProps, error}) => {
const { state, ref, func } = genericProps;
return (
onChange={() => setValue(prev => ...prev,firstName: e.target.value)}
Validation Schema
Here in validation schema you can add validaion for your form. will have to use Yup for schema validation.
import * as Yup from "yup";
export const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({
firstName: Yup.string()
.min(3, "Min. character limit 3")
.max(200, "Too Long!")
email: Yup.string().email("Invalid email").required("Required"),
Dependencies we use when there are interdependent fields. in abouve example we can access lastName and email in firstName field with the help of dependecies array.
export const dependecies = {
import { Form } from "template-web-kit";
// Your code here...