Template helper for automatically generating API docs from code comments. This is based on helper-apidocs, but specifically for applications built-with the Template library.
Template helper for automatically generating API docs from code comments. This is based on helper-apidocs, but specifically for applications built-with the Template library.
Install with npm
$ npm i template-helper-apidocs --save
Table of contents
(Table of contents generated by verb)
Generate API docs from code comments for any JavaScript files that match the given patterns
. Note that only code comments with @api public
will be rendered.
{String}: Glob patterns for files with code comments to render.options
{Object}: Options to pass to js-comments.returns
{String}: Markdown-formatted API documentation
(this section was generated using this helper)
Registering the helper
This helper should work with any template engine, here are a few examples
Register the helper with Template, allowing it to be used with any template engine.
template.helper('apidocs', require('template-helper-apidocs'));
Register the helper with assemblev0.6.x:
var assemble = require('assemble');
assemble.helper('apidocs', require('template-helper-apidocs'));
Register the helper with verb:
var verb = require('verb');
verb.helper('apidocs', require('template-helper-apidocs'));
Usage with handlebars
var handlebars = require('handlebars');
handlebars.registerHelper('apidocs', require('template-helper-apidocs'));
Lo-Dash and underscore
To use the helpers with Lo-Dash or underscore:
// as a mixin
_.mixin({apidocs: apidocsHelper});
_.template('<%= _.apidocs("fixtures/*.js") %>', {});
// passed on the context
_.template('<%= apidocs("fixtures/*.js") %>', {apidocs: apidocsHelper});
// as an import
var settings = {imports: {apidocs: apidocsHelper}};
_.template('<%= apidocs("fixtures/*.js") %>', {}, settings);
Example usage
With Lo-Dash or Underscore:
<%= apidocs("index.js") %>
With Handlebars:
{{apidocs "index.js"}}
With Verb (lo-dash, with special delimiters to avoid delimiter collision in markdown docs):
{%= apidocs("index.js") %}
Other awesome libs
- assemble: Static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js. Used by Zurb Foundation, Zurb Ink, H5BP/Effeckt,… more
- handlebars-helpers: 120+ Handlebars helpers in ~20 categories, for Assemble, YUI, Ghost or any Handlebars project. Includes… more
- js-comments: Parse JavaScript code comments and generate API documentation.
- parse-comments: Parse code comments from JavaScript or any language that uses the same format.
- template: Render templates using any engine. Supports, layouts, pages, partials and custom template types. Use template… more
- template-helpers: Generic JavaScript helpers that can be used with any template engine. Handlebars, Lo-Dash, Underscore, or… more
- verb: Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Extremely powerful, easy to use, can generate anything from API… more
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue
To request or contribute a helper to the github.com/helpers org, please read this contributing guide to get started.
Running tests
Install dev dependencies:
$ npm i -d && npm test
See the tests for actual usage examples.
Jon Schlinkert
Copyright © 2014-2015 Jon Schlinkert Released under the MIT license.
This file was generated by verb-cli on May 29, 2015.