nodejs telegram api wrapper
A nodejs lightweight library wrapper to telegram bot api
Learn More about telegram bots
if you want learn more about Telegram bots
How did it come about?
After try make may own bot with currents nodejs libraries ( Telegraf and others) and face some issues like:
- Uncaught exception
- Bugs, memory leaks
- About weeks to accept pull request with bugfix
- Very verbose to work listening to answers and creating buttons / menus
That module arose from my need to create a bot, so I needed to quickly develop a module that would meet my needs, so I didn't bother to implement all the methods / features available in the telegram API.
My only concern was to develop code that didn't break the application.
If you want to help implement new features or improve code quality, your help is most welcome! 😊
- Nodejs V8 +
It's only for long polling bot, Webhook will be implemented soon. Feel free to help us!
$ npm install telegram-bot-maker
const Bot = require('telegram-bot-maker')
const bot = new Bot({
token: 'YOUR-BOT-TOKEN',
updateInterval: 500, // interval that bot will looking for updates
Bot Methods
Start the bot
Stop the bot
Add listener to command
// * Is Required
//<String> command *
//<Function> handler *
bot.command(command, handler)
bot.command('/menu', (ctx, update) => {
ctx.reply('There is a reply to menu command')
Add listener to bot
// * Is Required
//<String> listener * 'message' || 'update'
//<Function> handler *
bot.on(listener, handler)
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
ctx.reply('A reply to your msg')
Wait For User reply
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
.reply('Whats is your first name?')
const { message } = userReply
ctx.setState({ firstName: message.text })
ctx.reply(`nice ${message.text}, so whats is your last name?`)
const { message } = userReply
const { firstName } = ctx.getState()
ctx.reply(`your full name is ${firstName} ${message.text}`)
Creating Menu
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
text: 'Menu Level 0', //<String> text ( Text of message )
grid: '2x1', //<String> grid *Required 'ColsxRow' ( Grid of the Menu )
id: 'id-menu-0', //<String> id *Required (Id of menu, without it backButton wont work)
options: [
label: 'Button 1', //<String> label *Required (Label of button)
id: 'btn-1', //<String> id *Required (Id of button)
params: { 'foo': 'bar' },//<Object> params (Your custom params if you need)
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 1 click', params)
//Output: Button 1 click { 'foo': 'bar' }
}, //<Function> onSelect *Required (Called when user press the button)
label: 'Button 2',
id: 'btn-2',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 2 click')
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
text: 'Menu Level 0',
grid: '2x1',
id: 'id-menu-0',
options: [
label: 'Button 1',
id: 'btn-1',
params: { 'my-custom-params': 'my-custom-value' },
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 1 click', params)
label: 'Button 2',
id: 'btn-2',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 2 click')
submenu: {
text: 'Menu Level 1',
grid: '1x1',
id: 'id-menu-1',
backButton: {
label: 'Back to level zero menu',
id: 'id-menu-0',
}, // Add at the bottom of grid a back button
options: [
label: 'Button 3',
id: 'btn-3',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 3 click')
label: 'Button 4',
id: 'btn-4',
onSelect: params => {
console.log('Button 4 click')
Custom Inline Buttons
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
'Testing custom BTNS',
ctx.keyboard('inline', [
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 1', 'id-btn-1', { params: 'to-btn-1' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 1', params)
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 2', 'id-btn-2', { params: 'to-btn-2' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 2', params)
Custom Buttons
bot.on('message', (ctx, update) => {
'Testing custom BTNS',
ctx.keyboard(null, [ //Just the inline params changed
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 1', 'id-btn-1', { params: 'to-btn-1' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 1', params)
ctx.buttons.CallBack('Button 2', 'id-btn-2', { params: 'to-btn-2' }, params => {
console.log('User hit button 2', params)
send Photos to user
To send photos to user you must pass url or filePath param.
.reply('Want a photo?')
.waitForReply(() => {
file: {
type: 'photo', // Is required
//url: '',
filePath: './docs/menu-exemple-1.png',
Availables Api Methods
- getMe
- sendMessage
- forwardMessage
- sendPhoto
- sendAudio
- sendDocument
- sendVideo
- sendAnimation
- sendVoice
- sendVideoNote
- sendMediaGroup
- sendLocation
- editMessageLiveLocation
- stopMessageLiveLocation
- sendVenue
- sendContact
- sendPoll
- sendChatAction
- getUserProfilePhotos
- editMessageText
All updates that remain when the bot is off will be bypassed, it will only react to updates that happen while it is alive, I choose for this architecture to prevent anomalous behavior.
This module is in its infancy and still relies on possible help to make it more robust.