A simplified Telegraf plugin to provide users with a great interface.
A simplified Telegraf plugin to provide users with a great interface.
Getting started
You need to have telegraf installed on your project to use that plugin.
$ npm install telegraf
$ yarn add telegraf
See offical guide for more info. Once you have installed telegraf in your project, you can use telegraf-pagination.
Run one of these commands depending on what package manager you're using:
$ npm install telegraf-pagination
$ yarn add telegraf-pagination
Quick start
Default mode
const { Pagination } = require('telegraf-pagination');
let data = [...]; // define data as an array
bot.start(async ctx => {
let pagination = new Pagination({ data });
let text = await pagination.text();
let keyboard = await pagination.keyboard();
ctx.reply(text, keyboard);
Lazy mode
const { Pagination } = require('telegraf-pagination');
let data = [...]; // define data as an array
bot.start(async ctx => {
let pagination = new Pagination({
lazy: true, // switch lazy mode on
data: (page, size) => data.slice((page-1)*size, page*size), // callback that returns items of the page. Can be asynchronous
total: data.length // optional. can be useful when generating a header
let text = await pagination.text();
let keyboard = await pagination.keyboard();
ctx.reply(text, keyboard);
Full Example
const { Markup, Telegraf } = require("telegraf");
const { Pagination } = require("telegraf-pagination");
const bot = new Telegraf(TOKEN);
let fakeData = Array(10)
.map((_, i) => ({
id: i,
title: `Item ${i + 1}`,
bot.command("pagination", async (ctx) => {
const pagination = new Pagination({
data: fakeData, // array of items
header: (currentPage, pageSize, total) =>
`${currentPage}-page of total ${total}`, // optional. Default value: 👇
// `Items ${(currentPage - 1) * pageSize + 1 }-${currentPage * pageSize <= total ? currentPage * pageSize : total} of ${total}`;
format: (item, index) => `${index + 1}. ${item.title}`, // optional. Default value: 👇
// `${index + 1}. ${item}`;
pageSize: 8, // optional. Default value: 10
rowSize: 4, // optional. Default value: 5 (maximum 8)
isButtonsMode: false, // optional. Default value: false. Allows you to display names on buttons (there is support for associative arrays)
buttonModeOptions: {
isSimpleArray: true, // optional. Default value: true. Enables/disables support for associative arrays
titleKey: '' // optional. Default value: null. If the associative mode is enabled (isSimply: false), determines by which key the title for the button will be taken.
isEnabledDeleteButton: true, // optional. Default value: true
onSelect: (item, index) => {
}, // optional. Default value: empty function
messages: {
// optional
firstPage: "First page", // optional. Default value: "❗️ That's the first page"
lastPage: "Last page", // optional. Default value: "❗️ That's the last page"
prev: "◀️", // optional. Default value: "⬅️"
next: "▶️", // optional. Default value: "➡️"
delete: "🗑", // optional. Default value: "❌"
inlineCustomButtons: [
Markup.button.callback('Title custom button', 'your_callback_name')
] // optional. Default value: null
pagination.handleActions(bot); // pass bot or scene instance as a parameter
let text = await pagination.text(); // get pagination text
let keyboard = await pagination.keyboard(); // get pagination keyboard
ctx.replyWithHTML(text, keyboard);
bot.launch().then(() => {
console.log("Bot is running");
⚡️ Recent features:
Buttons mode
const { Pagination } = require('telegraf-pagination');
let data = [...]; // define data as an array
bot.start(async ctx => {
let pagination = new Pagination({
isButtonsMode: true,
buttonModeOptions: {
title: "name", // the 'name' property of each item is displayed
// you can implement complex combinations of item keys using function 👇
// title: (item, i) => i + 1 + ". " + item.title,
let text = await pagination.text();
let keyboard = await pagination.keyboard();
ctx.reply(text, keyboard);
Please read for details on our code of conduct. Feel free to submit any pull request.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Alisher Ortiqov - Initial work - mcpebloker
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details