MyProfile/MyResume - (Welcome message, description) ABOUTME EXPERIENCE TECH SKILLS CONTACT ME
MyProfile/MyResume - (Welcome message, description) ABOUTME EXPERIENCE TECH SKILLS CONTACT ME
-> Let us call each executable as command, -> Create a cmd folder -> Data (All Json files) -> Root Folder (will have welcome msg, description)
Dependencies - cfonts chalk --function cli--- inquirer commander
How to use this repo? This repo is step-by-step guide. You can clone the repo or follow along.Every folder is marked below with what is expected in it.
0️⃣ Walkthrough [Theory] Introduction to nodejs and CLI.
Folder : session-1/intro.md
1️⃣ Setup your machine [Codelab] Folder : session-1
Install nodejs
Create a folder - "myprofile"
Create package.json
npm init 2️⃣ Create your Data [Codelab] Folder : session-2
Go to folder session-2/myprofile/data. If you want to update the content you can edit it in data.js
3️⃣ Code Time [Codelab] Folder : session-3
Go to folder session-3/myprofile. In this we will identify the commands and add it to the commands folder.
To sync with data.js we have following commands (user input) :
about me contact me experience summary To print the choices on the terminal we will use the npm package inquirer.
4️⃣ Beautification Folder : session-4
This section is totally optional. To make the CLI' content more colorful and presentable. We will use two more packages:
chalk : Will let us provide the colors to the texts. cfonts : Will let us write a big fancy welcome message. inquirer : Common interactive command line user interfaces. commander : Common interactive command line user interfaces. 5️⃣ Publish NPM [Codelab] How to make it Executable? Add #!/usr/bin/env node on the top of index.js. Read about it here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29
In package.json, add section of bin
"bin": { "myprofile": "./index.js" } Run the following command
npm link Now go to the terminal and write
myprofile Publish to NPM Create an account in npmjs.com
On terminal run the following command & enter the username and password.
npm login To publish
npm publish You can check your package after publishing : https://www.npmjs.com/~{username}/{package-name}
How to run it? Go to the desire folder. eg :
cd session-2/myprofile Install the dependency
npm install From the root of the myprofile run the following command to start the application
node index.js