A <small>tiny</small> backend for 🫵 next app.
A tiny backend for 🫵 next app.
Note - this project is in pre-alpha and not suitable for production use. but many things are coming, so stay tuned.
Teenybase is a simple backend framework for javascript, sqlite, edge workers and object storage, written in TypeScript.
This is for making mostly single-file serverless backends for small modules/projects that can be easily deployed and reused. With a simple API, it's possible to extend the framework in any kind of backends.
- [x] Backend in a file
- [x] Database Schema in JSON
- [x] SQL tables
- [x] Columns
- [x] Foreign keys
- [x] File fields
- [ ] Indexes
- [ ] Triggers
- [x] Rules extension
- [x] Auth extension
- [x] Crud extension
- [ ] Database Events/Triggers
- [ ] Custom routes/proxy mappings
- [x] Email configuration
- [x] Mailgun
- [x] CLI and migrations
- [x] Local development
- [x] Automatic migrations
- [x] Create table
- [x] Drop table
- [x] Add column
- [x] Drop column
- [x] Alter column
- [ ] Rename table
- [ ] Rename column
- [x] Deploy worker
- [x] Deploy secrets
- [ ] Static assets/files deployment
- [ ] Custom Environments from wrangler.toml
- [x] Edge workers
- [x] Object storage (R2, S3)
- [x] SQLite, libSQL, D1
- [x] Row level security - Rule based access control for CRUD
- [x] Deploy on single vendor stack (cloudflare) (-mailgun)
- [x] Local full stack development (-mailgun)
- [x] REST API
- [x] JSON support
- [x] JWT authentication
- [x] Form data support with files
- [x] CRUD routes with rules
- [x] Auth routes
- [x] File access routes
- [x] OpenAPI spec
- [x] Swagger UI
- [ ] Database Events/Triggers
- [ ] RPC
- [ ] Static file hosting
- [x] Simple built-in QB/ORM (unified for both backend and frontend)
- [ ] Database Events/Triggers
- [ ] Static assets/files in bucket
- [x] Username/email + password authentication
- [x] Mailgun integration
- [ ] OAuth2 integration
- [ ] Github
- [ ] Apple
- [ ] Discord
- [ ] Frontend SDK
- [ ] Frontend components
- [ ] Admin panel UI
- [ ] Rate limiting
- [ ] Cache control
- [ ] CF Cache API
- [ ] Encryption
- [ ] Column Level
- [ ] Table Level
- [ ] Database Level