TD Ameritrade Client
TD Ameritrade Client for Nodejs
:warning: We are aware of the migration from TDA to Schwab and will update this client as soon as the api information is made available. link
A Javascript thick client for the TD-Ameritrade Restful API written in Typescript for nodejs.
- Auto fetch refresh token when access token expires.
- Credentials can be fetched and stored using these providers
- Local cache
- Local file
- Customizable (e.g. connect to datastore such as S3 or DynamoDB)
- Get user account information
- Get watchlist
- Get option chain
- Get quote
- Manage orders
- Get transactions
- Get market hours
- Get price history
- Place/Replace order
$ yarn add tdaclient
Getting a TD Ameritrade Access Token
To gain access to the Td-Ameritrade (TDA) APIs, you will need to get an access token from your trading account.
You can get an access token by:
- Following this tutorial found on the official TDA API documentation.
- Or you can follow the steps in this [section](##Guide to Getting an Access Token).
How to use it
Instantiate the TdaClient object
At the bare minimum, you will need to provide an access token and client id in order to instantiate the tdaClient. This can be done in a few ways:
1. Local cache
import {TdaClient} from "tdaclient";
const tdaClient = TdaClient.from({
access_token: "MY-ACCESS-TOKEN",
client_id: "MY-CLIENT-ID",
refresh_token: "MY-REFRESH-TOKEN" // Optional: Refresh token is used to renew the access_token
2. Local file
The tdaClient will read the credentials from this file. Make sure that the tdaClient is able to read and write to this file.
import {TdaClient} from "tdaclient";
/* Example CREDENTIAL_FILE.json file
"access_token": "MY-ACCESS-TOKEN",
"refresh_token": "MY-REFRESH-TOKEN",
"client_id": "MY-CLIENT-ID"
const tdaClient = TdaClient.from({
3. Custom credential provider
You can specify your own way of providing the credential information. Here is an example of reading and writing to a
credential file stored in S3. The basic idea here is to create a class that extends the CredentialProvider abstract
class. You need to override the getCredential
and the updateCredential
member functions. You then pass that provider
when you instantiate the tdaClient.
export class S3CredentialProvider extends CredentialProvider {
async updateCredential(tdaCredential: TdaCredential): Promise<void> {
// do something
async getCredential(): Promise<TdaCredential> {
// do something
const tdaClient = TdaClient.from({
authorizationInterceptor: new AuthorizationTokenInterceptor(new S3CredentialProvider())
Refresh Token
If you provide a refresh token to the tdaClient, when the access token expires, the tdaClient will automatically fetch a new access token using the existing valid refresh token. When the refresh token expires, the tdaClient will automatically refresh the credential information.
Interacting with TDA
Place An Order
import {
InstructionType, Order, OrdersConfig,
} from "tdaclient/dist/models/order";
// ...
const order = {
orderType: OrderType.LIMIT,
price: 100.0,
session: SessionType.NORMAL,
duration: DurationType.DAY,
orderStrategyType: OrderStrategyType.SINGLE,
orderLegCollection: [
instruction: InstructionType.BUY,
quantity: 1,
instrument: {
symbol: 'SPY',
assetType: AssetType.EQUITY,
} as Order;
const orderConfig = {
} as OrdersConfig;
const placeOrdersResponse = await tdaClient.placeOrder(orderConfig);
const orderId = placeOrdersResponse.orderId;
Get Option Chain
import {getOptionChain} from "tdaclient/dist/optionChain";
import {
} from "tdaClient/dist/models/optionChain";
const optionChainResponse = await tdaClient.getOptionChain({
symbol: 'SPY',
strike: 470,
strikeCount: 10
} as OptionChainConfig)
Get Market Hours
import { HoursConfig } from "tdaClient/dist/models/hours";
const response = await tdaClient.getHours({
markets: ['EQUITY', 'OPTION']
} as HoursConfig);
Get Price History
import { PriceHistoryConfig } from "tdaClient/dist/models/priceHistory";
const response = await tdaClient.getPriceHistory({
symbol: 'SPX',
periodType: 'day',
period: 1,
needExtendedHoursData: false,
} as PriceHistoryConfig);
Guide to Getting an Access Token
For more info refer to this page
- Clone this github repo
- Create a file calls
and put it in the package root directory. - Put the following information in that file you just created:
{ "client_id": "example-client-id", "redirect_uri": "example-redirect-uri" }
- Run this command and open the output URL from the console.
node generateAuthUrl.js
- Login and click allow.
- You will then see a blank page load. Take a look at the URL bar on your browser.
- You will see a URL query string with a value for
. - Copy this value.
- Open up the developer's console on the browser and type this in:
- Keep this decoded code. This is your access_token.
- You will see a URL query string with a value for
- Go to this page to get the access token and
refresh token
- Fill in the form with the follow values:
- grant_type: authorization_code
- access_type: offline
- code: [The value that you receive from following step]
- client_id: [Your app consumer key]
- redirect_uri: [Your app redirect uri]
- Fill in the form with the follow values:
- Create a file in this directory (at the same level as this and name it
- Paste the response from that page to the file create in step 3. Also add the client_id and redirect_uri attributes at
the end.
{ "access_token": "example-token", "refresh_token": "example-refresh-token", "scope": "PlaceTrades AccountAccess MoveMoney", "expires_in": 1800, // 30 minutes "refresh_token_expires_in": 7776000, // 90 days "token_type": "Bearer", "client_id": "example-client-id", "redirect_uri": "example-redirect-uri" }
- Now you can run the command
yarn test
and it will run the integration tests - The test will keep updating the access_token so you can keep running the tests. If you happen to not run the tests within 90 days, then you will have to manually login and repeat these steps.
Publishing to npm
This command will update the package version and then publish to the public npm repo
$ npm version [patch | minor major]
$ npm publish
Refer to this page for more info on TDA's APIs
tdaClient is MIT licensed.