Stencil components for TC website
TC Webcomponent
This repo is for the web-components library for the TC. Technologies used are stencil-tailwind-plugin and StencilJS.
How to use the Components in Magnolia (or other CMS)
Create a new Component in Magnolia.
Make sure you create it as a HTML component.
A code field then appears.
Import library
To use these webcomponents you must import the library.
Import specific version (recommended)
To get a specific version of this libary recommended and won't be affected by change in the code you can get by running: Usually you want to get the most recent version published, but want to fix it to that version, since future versions may not suport the elements you are using.
If for instance you want to get version 1.2.3:
<script type="module" src="[email protected]"></script>
Always get latest version (not recommended)
To get the latest version, not recommend. you can install it like this.
<script type="module" src=""></script>
How to use a component
Make sure that you have first imported the library.
quote="I loved being able to work everywehre"
name="Lewis Hamilton"
role="Racer good at right code quickly"
Decide which component you want. To figure out what parameters each component takes and how this needs to be adressed in the html, go to the readme file of the component. You can find it, as follows:
If you click here you will see the example, for tc-testimonial.
To make changes to the libary here is how you can get started
Clone the repo, and install the dependencies:
cd tc-web
npm install
Start the stencil dev server:
npm start
If you would like to build the application:
npm run build
UZH Fonts & Colorpalette
To make sure that the fonts and styling are aligned with the UZH Theme and the UZH Color Palette, custom fonts and colors where added to the tailwind configuration file.
Custom colors (for development and parametrization purposes)
uzhblue: "#0028A5" uzhcyan: "#4AC9E3", uzhapple: "#A4D233", uzhgold: "#FFC845", uzhorange: "FC4C02", uzhberry: "#BF0D3E", uzhlgrey2: "#EFEFEF", uzhlgrey3: "#E7E7E7"
Adding colors yourself
For specfic elements like the sections you can modify the color. You can input color as a hex string like below (currently we are setting it to black)
<segment-container seg-title="Benefits" background-color="#000000">
Or like this in rgb format
<segment-container seg-title="Benefits" background-color="rgb(0,0,0)">
The UZH page uses "Source Sans 3", previously known as "Source Sans Pro", as default font. To use it, you can "font-sans". Make sure to apply it to each component, to use it.