TeachBoost UI Kit
TeachBoost UI Kit
Offical TeachBoost front-end user interface assets.
Run the following on a new install:
npm install
bower install
If you don't have bower, run:
npm install -g bower
Compiling the HTML
To create the demo HTML page, run:
gulp html
This will generate an untracked index.html file that you can open in your browser.
Watching Changes
There's a gulp file to handle LESS watching. Just run gulp
from the
command line and it will start. Any time you save a .less file in the less/
directory, it will recompile the css/build.css file.
Updating the Version in Bower
To create a new distribution and version in the Bower registry:
gulp dist
bower version <VERSION>
Where is a server version like "0.0.1". To see the current version
look in the bower.json
file or run git tag