Security vulnerability assistant
Moved to tater-taudit
https://github.com/jtmckay/tater-taudit https://www.npmjs.com/package/tater-taudit
Security vulnerability assistant
Resolve security vulnerabilities found with yarn audit (Dependabot or npm audit). Automatically fix them when possible, and get assistance when not. It will walk the tree of dependencies to find the best path forward.
Getting Started
Find what packages need to be updated. This command will log commands that could be used to potentially resolve vulnerabilities:
npx tater-audit@latest fix
Example output:
yarn upgrade svgo
yarn upgrade css-select
Automatically run the recommended commands by passing "-a":
npx tater-audit@latest fix -a
When you want details
The "log" command will give you the details of your project vulnerabilities and potential routes to fix. This is sometimes the best path forward to resolve dependencies that haven't made it up the tree to their parents yet.
npx tater-audit@latest log
Example output:
"name": "css-what",
"patchedVersions": ">=5.0.1",
"dependents": [
"name": "css-select",
"dependents": [
"name": "svgo",
"dependents": [],
"earliestExistingVersion": "1.3.2",
"latestViableVersion": "2.3.1",
"recommendedViableVersion": "2.3.1",
"minimumViableVersion": "2.3.1"
"earliestExistingVersion": "0.1.1",
"latestViableVersion": "4.1.3",
"recommendedViableVersion": "4.1.3",
"minimumViableVersion": "4.0.0"
"version": "3.4.2"
This example tells us that css-what is vulnerable, and patched in versions >=5.0.1, but that we are using a vulnerable version "3.4.2". Then it shows us that css-select is the package depending on css-what, but that it has a version that resolves it starting in version "4.0.0". It finds that "4.1.3" is the latest version and recommends that.
It then continues to svgo, which depends on css-select, and so on. Using the fix command, you will end up with an upgrade command for each dependency found here with a viable version, and an install/add for each top level dependency with a viable version.
If there is a fix available starting with multiple major versions, it will attempt to use the major version that you are currently using, before recommending the latest version.
-a, --all Run all available fixes automatically
-d, --dry Log commands that would effect the repo
instead of running them
-m, --major_upgrade Attempt to install newer versions (perhaps
major; breaking changes)
-n, --npm Replace yarn with npm in output commands
-u, --upgrade Upgrade audit dependencies with a fix
-h, --help display help for command
$ tater-audit fix
-- Runs all available fixes but only logs the commands that would be run
$ tater-audit fix -a
-- Runs all available fixes
$ tater-audit fix -d
-- Only logs the commands that would be run
$ tater-audit fix -u
-- Upgrades all dependents down to the lowest dependency found in the audit with a dependency that has a fix available
$ tater-audit fix -m
-- Upgrades all top level dependencies with a fix available that is not permitted by the current locked version