Write tests in simple-to-read JSON. Includes support for async testing, perfomance-testing and more.
taste-test testing-sweet
Take the taste test, you'll schmaaak it!
Are puns in bad taste? Let's put it to the taste-test:
var assert = require('assert');
var taste = require('taste-test');
var test = new taste.Test();
var taste_test = {
"In good taste tests.": {
"Gender non-binary beef.":
function itWorks() {
assert.equal("Good-taste", "Good-taste", "Not in good taste.");
return true; //NB: If execution reaches here, assert did not fail, therefor return true;
"Pictures on your gran": {
"Pictures on your gran.":
function () {
assert.equal("Good-taste", "Good-taste", "Not in good taste.");
return true;
"Pictures on your gran naked.":
function () {
assert.equal("Good-taste", "Bad-taste", "Not in good taste.");
return true;
"In bad taste tests.": {
"Gender non-binary donkey meat.":
function itWorks() {
assert.equal("Bad-taste", "Bad-taste", "Not in good taste.");
return true;
"Pictures on your gran": {
"Pictures on your gran doing rodeo.":
function () {
assert.equal("Bad-taste", "Good-taste", "Not in bad taste.");
return true;
"Pictures on your gran doing rodeo naked.":
function () {
assert.equal("Bad-taste", "Bad-taste", "Not in bad taste.");
return true;
Making your users wait is in bad taste. Test the performance of your functions with taste, and taste of true performance.
const taste = require('taste-test');
const test = new taste.Performance();
test.add("Send large images down the wire only to be displayed at 150x150.", noRushFn.bind(null, 35));
test.add("Do whatever it is Upwork does with their mobile site.", noRushFn.bind(null, 70));
test.add("Add hundreds of links to large script and css files you dont use.", noRushFn.bind(null, 50));
test.add("Hire a cheap developer.", noRushFn.bind(null, 70));
var slower = 0;
function noRushFn(time, done) {
let delay = (slower++ % 2 === 0) ? 1 : 4;
setTimeout(()=> { done(); }, time * delay);