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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




TAS-Client as UMD module





This module is a repackaging of the tas-client module as a UMD module.


This package is intended to be used as an endpoint client to query, refetch, and cache data from an experimentation service (or any given endpoint). The endpoint result must follow the required structure for experimentation data.


First, your client should implement an IExperimentationFilterProvider, IExperimentationTelemetry, and IKeyValueStorage.

interface IExperimentationFilterProvider {
   * Get filter value by enum
   * @param filter The filter type.
  getFilters(): Map<string, any>;

interface IExperimentationTelemetry {
   * Set shared property for all events.
   * @param name The name of the shared property.
   * @param value The value of the shared property.
  setSharedProperty(name: string, value: string): void;
   * Posts an event into the telemetry implementation.
  postEvent(eventName: string, props: Map<string, string>): void;

interface IKeyValueStorage {
   * Gets current value from the storage.
   * @param key The key of the value that wants to be retrieved from the storage.
   * @param defaultValue The default value to return in case no value was found for given key.
  getValue<T>(key: string, defaultValue?: T): Promise<T | undefined>;
   * Sets value to the storage.
   * @param key The key that will be attached to the value in the storage.
   * @param value The value to store.
  setValue<T>(key: string, value: T): void;

Next, they can be used in the TASClient constructor:

const tasClient = new TASClient({
			filterProviders: [filterProvider],
			telemetry: telemetry,
			storageKey: storageKey,
			keyValueStorage: keyValueStorage,
			assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName: '<assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName>',
			telemetryEventName: '<telemetryEventName>',
			endpoint: '<tas-endpoint>',
			refetchInterval: refetchInterval,

assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName is a property that is added to every telemetry event for experimentation result calculations.

telemetryEventName is the name of the event which is posted every time experiment data is queried.

The client provides a variety of functions, but the most basic is getTreatmentVariable(configId: string, name: string). Once you have an instance of IExperimentationService you can call getTreatmentVariable to get the value of a treatment variable.

NOTE: If you haven't awaited the IExperimentationService's initializePromise, you need to use getTreatmentVariableAsync.

Typings for Quick Reference

declare module 'tas-client-umd' {
	 * Provides a value for the given filter.
	 * This filters are used in within the Feature providers.
	export interface IExperimentationFilterProvider {
		 * Get filter value by enum
		 * @param filter The filter type.
		getFilters(): Map<string, any>;

	 * Experimentation service provides A/B experimentation functionality.
	 * Currently it's per design to be able to only allow querying one flight at the time.
	 * This is in order for us to control events and telemetry whenever these methods are called.
	export interface IExperimentationService {
		 * Promise indicating that the experimentation service has been
		 * initialized, so it's safe to make a call to isFlightEnabled.
		readonly initializePromise: Promise<void>;
		 * Promise that resolves when the experimentation service has completed
		 * its first request to the Treatment Assignment Service. If this request
		 * is successful, flights are up-to-date.
		readonly initialFetch: Promise<void>;
		 * @deprecated Use `getTreatmentVariable` instead.
		 * Returns a value indicating whether the given flight is enabled.
		 * It uses the values currently in memory, so the experimentation service
		 * must be initialized before calling.
		 * @param flight The flight to check.
		isFlightEnabled(flight: string): boolean;
		 * @deprecated Use `getTreatmentVariable` instead.
		 * Returns a value indicating whether the given flight is enabled.
		 * It uses the values currently on cache.
		 * @param flight The flight to check.
		isCachedFlightEnabled(flight: string): Promise<boolean>;
		 * @deprecated Use `getTreatmentVariableAsync` instead.
		 * Returns a value indicating whether the given flight is enabled.
		 * It re-fetches values from the server.
		 * @param flight the flight to check.
		isFlightEnabledAsync(flight: string): Promise<boolean>;
		 * Returns the value of the treatment variable, or undefined if not found.
		 * It uses the values currently in memory, so the experimentation service
		 * must be initialized before calling.
		 * @param config name of the config to check.
		 * @param name name of the treatment variable.
		getTreatmentVariable<T extends boolean | number | string>(configId: string, name: string): T | undefined;
		 * Returns the value of the treatment variable, or undefined if not found.
		 * It re-fetches values from the server. If checkCache is true and the value exists
		 * in the cache, the Treatment Assignment Service is not called.
		 * @param config name of the config to check.
		 * @param name name of the treatment variable.
		 * @param checkCache check the cache for the variable before calling the TAS.
		getTreatmentVariableAsync<T extends boolean | number | string>(configId: string, name: string, checkCache?: boolean): Promise<T | undefined>;

	 * Telemetry for the experimentation service.
	export interface IExperimentationTelemetry {
		 * Set shared property for all events.
		 * @param name The name of the shared property.
		 * @param value The value of the shared property.
		setSharedProperty(name: string, value: string): void;
		 * Posts an event into the telemetry implementation.
		postEvent(eventName: string, props: Map<string, string>): void;

	 * Interface used for a key-value storage implementation.
	export interface IKeyValueStorage {
		 * Gets current value from the storage.
		 * @param key The key of the value that wants to be retrieved from the storage.
		 * @param defaultValue The default value to return in case no value was found for given key.
		getValue<T>(key: string, defaultValue?: T): Promise<T | undefined>;
		 * Sets value to the storage.
		 * @param key The key that will be attached to the value in the storage.
		 * @param value The value to store.
		setValue<T>(key: string, value: T): void;

	interface ConfigData {
		Id: string;
		Parameters: Parameters;
	interface Parameters {
		[key: string]: boolean | number | string;
	interface FeatureData {
		features: string[];
		assignmentContext: string;
		configs: ConfigData[];
	interface IFeatureProvider {
		 * Features property. Usually contains the cached features, but if called before having cache it will fetch from the server.
		getFeatures(): Promise<FeatureData>;

	 * Abstract class for Feature Provider Implementation.
	abstract class BaseFeatureProvider implements IFeatureProvider {
		protected telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry;
		private fetchPromise?;
		private isFetching;
		 * @param telemetry The telemetry implementation.
		constructor(telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry);
		 * Method that wraps the fetch method in order to re-use the fetch promise if needed.
		 * @param headers The headers to be used on the fetch method.
		getFeatures(): Promise<FeatureData>;
		 * Fetch method that retrieves asynchronously the required feature data.
		protected abstract fetch(): Promise<FeatureData>;

	 * Feature provider implementation that handles filters.
	abstract class FilteredFeatureProvider extends BaseFeatureProvider {
		protected telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry;
		protected filterProviders: IExperimentationFilterProvider[];
		constructor(telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry, filterProviders: IExperimentationFilterProvider[]);
		private cachedTelemetryEvents: any[];
		protected getFilters(): Map<string, any>;
		protected PostEventToTelemetry(headers: any): void;

	interface TASFeatureData {
		Features: any[];
		Flights: any[];
		Configs: ConfigData[];
		ParameterGroups: any[];
		FlightingVersion: number;
		ImpressionId: string;
		FlightingEnrichments: any;
		AssignmentContext: string;

	 * Options that include the implementations of the Experimentation service.
	export interface ExperimentationServiceConfig {
		telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry;
		endpoint: string;
		 * If there's any specific filter provider for the endpoint filters, it's defined or added into this list.
		filterProviders?: IExperimentationFilterProvider[];
		 * @deprecated This property is no longer used. You can get equivalent information from the assignment context property.
		 * A string containing the name for the features telemetry property.
		 * This option is implemented in IExperimentation Telemetry.
		 * This options posts to the implementation a list of
		 * available features for the client, separated by ';'
		featuresTelemetryPropertyName?: string;
		 * A string containing the name for the assignment context telemetry property.
		 * This option is implemented in IExperimentation Telemetry.
		 * This options posts to the implementation the assignment context.
		assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName: string;
		 * The name for the telemetry event. This event will be posted every time a flight is queried.
		telemetryEventName: string;
		 * Refetch interval overrides the interval in milliseconds the polling will take in between polls.
		 * If set to 0 there will be no polling for this experimentation service.
		refetchInterval?: number;
		 * The key value storage key. Often used as the identifier of the storage.
		 * By default it's set to ABExp.Features
		storageKey?: string;
		 * An implemention for key value storage usage.
		keyValueStorage?: IKeyValueStorage;

	class MemoryKeyValueStorage implements IKeyValueStorage {
		private storage;
		getValue<T>(key: string, defaultValue?: T): Promise<T | undefined>;
		setValue<T>(key: string, value: T): void;

	 * Experimentation service to provide functionality of A/B experiments:
	 * - reading flights;
	 * - caching current set of flights;
	 * - get answer on if flights are enabled.
	abstract class ExperimentationServiceBase implements IExperimentationService {
		protected telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry;
		protected assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName: string;
		protected telemetryEventName: string;
		protected storageKey?: string | undefined;
		protected storage?: IKeyValueStorage | undefined;
		protected featureProviders?: IFeatureProvider[];
		protected fetchPromise?: Promise<FeatureData[]>;
		protected featuresConsumed: boolean;
		private loadCachePromise;
		readonly initializePromise: Promise<void>;
		readonly initialFetch: Promise<void>;
		private cachedTelemetryEvents;
		private _features;
		private get features();
		private set features(value);
		constructor(telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry, assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName: string, telemetryEventName: string, storageKey?: string | undefined, storage?: IKeyValueStorage | undefined);
		 * Gets all the features from the provider sources (not cache).
		 * It returns these features and will also update the providers to have the latest features cached.
		protected getFeaturesAsync(overrideInMemoryFeatures?: boolean): Promise<FeatureData>;
		 * @param featureResults The feature results obtained from all the feature providers.
		protected updateFeatures(featureResults: FeatureData[], overrideInMemoryFeatures?: boolean): void;
		private loadCachedFeatureData;
		 * Returns a value indicating whether the given flight is enabled.
		 * It uses the in-memory cache.
		 * @param flight The flight to check.
		isFlightEnabled(flight: string): boolean;
		 * Returns a value indicating whether the given flight is enabled.
		 * It uses the values currently on cache.
		 * @param flight The flight to check.
		isCachedFlightEnabled(flight: string): Promise<boolean>;
		 * Returns a value indicating whether the given flight is enabled.
		 * It re-fetches values from the server.
		 * @param flight the flight to check.
		isFlightEnabledAsync(flight: string): Promise<boolean>;
		 * Returns the value of the treatment variable, or undefined if not found.
		 * It uses the values currently in memory, so the experimentation service
		 * must be initialized before calling.
		 * @param config name of the config to check.
		 * @param name name of the treatment variable.
		getTreatmentVariable<T extends boolean | number | string>(configId: string, name: string): T | undefined;
		 * Returns the value of the treatment variable, or undefined if not found.
		 * It re-fetches values from the server. If checkCache is true and the value exists
		 * in the cache, the Treatment Assignment Service is not called.
		 * @param config name of the config to check.
		 * @param name name of the treatment variable.
		 * @param checkCache check the cache for the variable before calling the TAS.
		getTreatmentVariableAsync<T extends boolean | number | string>(configId: string, name: string, checkCache?: boolean): Promise<T | undefined>;

		private PostEventToTelemetry;
		protected invokeInit(): void;
		 * Method to do any post-base constructor calls.
		 * Consider this a constructor for the derived classes.
		 * Can be used to initialize the Feature Providers.
		 * No async calls should be done here.
		protected abstract init(): void;
		protected addFeatureProvider(...providers: IFeatureProvider[]): void;

	class PollingService {
		private fetchInterval;
		private intervalHandle?;
		onTick: (() => Promise<void>) | undefined;
		constructor(fetchInterval: number);
		StopPolling(): void;
		OnPollTick(callback: () => Promise<void>): void;
		StartPolling(pollImmediately?: boolean): void;

	 * Implementation of Feature provider that provides a polling feature, where the source can be re-fetched every x time given.
	abstract class ExperimentationServiceAutoPolling extends ExperimentationServiceBase {
		protected telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry;
		protected filterProviders: IExperimentationFilterProvider[];
		protected refreshRateMs: number;
		protected assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName: string;
		protected telemetryEventName: string;
		protected storageKey?: string | undefined;
		protected storage?: IKeyValueStorage | undefined;
		private pollingService?;
		constructor(telemetry: IExperimentationTelemetry, filterProviders: IExperimentationFilterProvider[], refreshRateMs: number, assignmentContextTelemetryPropertyName: string, telemetryEventName: string, storageKey?: string | undefined, storage?: IKeyValueStorage | undefined);
		protected init(): void;
		 * Wrapper that will reset the polling intervals whenever the feature data is fetched manually.
		protected getFeaturesAsync(overrideInMemoryFeatures?: boolean): Promise<FeatureData>;

	* Experimentation service to provide functionality of A/B experiments:
	* - reading flights;
	* - caching current set of flights;
	* - get answer on if flights are enabled.
	export class ExperimentationService extends ExperimentationServiceAutoPolling {
		private options;
		static REFRESH_RATE_IN_MINUTES: number;
		protected featureProviders?: IFeatureProvider[];
		constructor(options: ExperimentationServiceConfig);
		protected init(): void;