Tap into classes and methods. Aspect Oriented Programming for nodejs.
Tap into classes and methods
dropbox = require 'dropbox'
tapinto = require 'tapinto'
class Client extends tapinto.Class(dropbox.Client)
constructor: (@options) ->
readfile: (path, options, callback) ->
console.log 'Intercepted a file read'
(error, content, stat, range) ->
console.log 'Intercepted the results of a file read'
#readdir: (path, options, callback) ->
# (error, files, dirstat, filestats) ->
#stat: (path, options, callback) ->
# (error, stat, filestats) ->
module.exports =
Client: Client
What is the problem?
Occasionally the functionality of a library is not enough, there are a few more things you want it to do. You could jump in and fork the project, but often your additions are not in line with the project direction. A mechanism to wrap and tap into the implementation of a library is useful.
Aspect Oriented Programming for nodejs.
How tapinto solves this problem
- Tapinto provides three mechanisms to tap into other modules: class, object and function. Only methods will be intercepted in each of these scenarios.
- To tap into a class inherit from
. Methods with the same name on your class will be called first. Return a method to tap into a callback. - To tap into an object use the following:
tappedobject = tapinto.Object(targetobject, yourobject)
. - To tap into a function or method use the following:
tappedmethod = tapinto.Function(targetmethod, yourmethod)
- A note on callbacks: tapinto will find the last parameter that is a function and use that as the callback.
- Simple
- Elegant syntax
- Magic is okay