A CLI that can be used to generate a development environment for off-line serverless AWS nodejs projects
Tantalum is a CLI that can be used to generate a development environment for off-line serverless AWS nodejs projects. It does this be creating a serverless project using various available plug-ins.
NB: This is currently very much WIP and under active development.
Tantalum can be used to generate a serverless project , enabling local development for the parts of AWS listed below.
- Lambda
- API Gateway
- S3
- DynamoDB
The first 2 are always included as Tantalum relies on the serverless-offline plug-in which provides this functionality.
Tantalum will create a project using the generated .tantalum.yml file that is created, which will include all the supported serverless plug-ins. If you want to customise the generated project just edit the .tantalum.yml file BEFORE running the generate command.
The module should be installed globally using the following command: npm i -g tantalum
Tantalum can be invoked via the tantalum command or the alias tlm and should be run in the directory of the project you wish to add it to, or a new clean directory.
there are 3 available commands:
- create
- generate
- helloworld
This will create the .tantalum.yml file that defines the serverless plug-ins and set up.
This will create a serverless.yml file (or serverless-tlm.yml if serverless.yml exists) that defines the off-line serverless setup. It will also attempt to install the selected serverless plugins as dev dependencies in the package.json file, if it exists.
This command will generate a complete example serverless offline project that uses the following offline services.
- API Gateway
- Lambda
- S3
- DynamoDb
This should be run in a new, blank directory after the create and generate commands to create the example..
The helloworld project that will be created has a simple spec:
- I want to upload a JSON document to an S3 bucket (called upload-bucket)
- When the document is uploaded a lambda is triggered that reads the document and puts a message on an SNS queue (upload-topic)
- When the message is received another lambda will create a DynamoDB entry
- Then using the API gateway the dynamoDb entries can be listed via a lambda function (http://localhost/list function)