A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by Talend.
Talend Icons
This is the set of SVG icons used in our apps.
How to use
To use this icon set you just have to install it through NPM.
npm install talend-icons
Next you can get the icon set object through a simple require:
var icons = require('talend-icons').default;
<svg ...></svg>
This icon set is registred within react-talend-components Icon. So you can use it through this addon.
import React from 'react';
import { Icon } from 'react-talend-components';
function MyComponent() {
return (<Icon name="talend-add" />);
How to contribute
Please be sure you have read our guidelines.
Create a Pull Request and be smart.
How to add an icon
Just add the icon svg file inside the src/svg
On the name of the icon we are following same rule as fontawesome project.
How svg code should look like
## No style embed Styles are defined outside the svg via CSS
The following code snippet illustrate this error
<svg id="cluster" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 800 600">
<defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#231f20;}</style></defs><title>cluster</title><path class="cls-1" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/><rect class="cls-1" x="650" y="450" width="50" height="50"/><rect class="cls-1" x="100" y="450" width="50" height="50"/><rect class="cls-1" x="200" y="450" width="50" height="50"/><rect class="cls-1" x="300" y="450" width="50" height="50"/>
All path are closed
Complete icon or parts of icon background color should be defined solely by "fill" css attribute. To check if a path is closed the "d" attribute of "path" element end with a z
<path class="cls-1" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/>
All class are user defined
All classes set on complete icon or part of icon should be defined by hand and should be meaningfull
<g class="screwdriver">
<path class="screwdriver-handle" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/>
<path class="screwdriver-tip" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/>
Use shape element whenever its possible
polygon, circles, ellipse should be used instead of path.
No display="none" elements
those are useless as they can't be styled and only add size to icons