This plugin merely wraps up a collection of other plugins I've written for Tailwind that makes my life/job easier.
This plugin merely wraps up a collection of other plugins I've written for Tailwind that makes my life/job easier.
const fancy = require("tailwindcss-plugin-fancy");
// tailwind.config.js
module.export = {
// ...
plugins: [fancy],
The Tailwind animation utility is nice, but it lacks the flexibility of the transition utilities. This plugin adds support for the following:
- animation-name
- animation-duration
- animation-delay
- animation-fill-mode
- animation-direction
- animation-iteration
- animation-timing-function
- animation-play-state
.animate-${name} {
/* the name is a keyframe just how the standard Tailwind animation plugin requires */
.animate-duration-${n} {
/* duration-${n} */
.animate-delay-${n} {
/* delay-${n} */
.animate-ease-${ease} {
animation-timing-function: /* ease-${linear, in, out, in-out} */
.running {
animation-play-state: running
.paused {
animation-play-state: paused
.direction-${normal, reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse} {
animation-direction: /* normal, reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse */
.iterate-${n} {
animation-iteration-count: ${n} /* 0-12 and infinite */
.fill-${none, forwards, backwards, both} {
animation-fill-mode: /* none, forwards, backwards, both */
gets support for steps!
.animate-steps-5 {
animation-timing-function: steps(5);
.animate-step-start {
animation-timing-function: steps(1, jump-start);
.animate-step-end {
animation-timing-function: steps(1, jump-end);
Steps go from 0–12, then 15, 30, 45, and 60 by default.
Add your own in tailwind.config.js
theme: {
extend: {
animate: {
steps: [
17, // creates a steps(17) class as .animate-step-17
[47, "jump-both"] // creates a steps(47, jump-both) class as .animate-step-47-jump-both
Make It Your Own
The delay, duration, and timing function utilities pull from the transtion
counterparts in your theme. To add to the iteration counts, provide something
like the following in tailwind.config.js
theme: {
animate: {
iterate: ["1.5", "2.5"];
Stylable Scrollbars
Style your scrollbars!
/* W3C scrollbar styling standard (Firefox) */
body {
scrollbar-width: thin; /* "auto" or "thin" */
scrollbar-color: blue orange; /* scroll thumb & track */
/* Webkit family of browsers (Safari, Chrome, etc.) */
body::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 16px; /* width of the entire scrollbar */
body::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: orange; /* color of the tracking area */
body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: blue; /* color of the scroll thumb */
border-radius: 20px; /* roundness of the scroll thumb */
border: 3px solid orange; /* creates padding around scroll thumb */
/* You need to add this first one to make the other utilities work, a la Tailwind's transform utility.) */
.scrollbar .scrollbar-thumb-$color /* var(--scrollbar-thumb) */
.scrollbar-track-$color /* var(--scrollbar-track) */ .scrollbar-auto
/* var(--scrollbar-width-webkit) 16px for -webkit */ .scrollbar-thin
/* var(--scrollbar-width-webkit) 11px for -webkit */ .scrollbar-none
/* var(--scrollbar-width-webkit) */
/* The next two utilities will only work as expected on Chrome and Safari.
Firefox follows the W3C standard which treats horizontal and vertical
scrollabar width equally. On Firefox, they will hide BOTH scrollbars. */
.scrollbar-x-none .scrollbar-y-none;
The $color
bit can be any color in your theme. For best results, apply the
utilities to the html
tag in your templates. Since they're just utilities,
you can apply different ones to scrollable elements within your site to have
multiple styles.
Tailwind 2077
These are settings that I could see being added to the Tailwind standard config in the future.
There's a touch
variant that targets @media(hover: none)
Not Touch
There's a not-touch
variant that targets @media(hover: hover)
Adds .bleed
and .bleed-grid
components to to make blog-style full bleed
images easier to handle.
This adds the nifty bg-stripes
utils from Tailwind's documentation. Use
to turn the utility on and then add a bg-stripes-${color}
utility to actually set the stripe color.
You can also use bg-stripes-{0, 45, 90, 135}
to control the angle.
word-break: keep-all
CJK has serious issues with linebreaks. Use the .break-keep-all
util and
place <wbr/>
elements wherever a line could break and see some nice