generate a fluid typescale for tailwindcss
generate tailwindcss utility classes for fluid font sizes.
this plugin will generate a fluid typescale ratio for you and lets you add extra custom sizes if needed.
it is generally recommended to have a slightly lower ratio for smaller screens and a higher ratio for larger screens.
- use any of the
utility classes to turn the fontsize into a fluid value (using clamp()).
<p class="fluid-base">this text will scale from 16px to 18px (from 400px vw to 1240px vw)</p>
install the package and add it to you tailwind config under the plugin section with your desired settings.
plugins: [
// the following are the default settings:
scalingStart: 400, // (px) -> viewport width to start the scaling process
scalingFinish: 1240, // (px) -> viewport width to rech final size
// set the typescale ratio for the lower end and the final size.
ratio: {
from: 1.2, // -> this ratio will be applied at the start size
to: 1.25, // -> this ratio will be applied at the final size
// set the base font size and line height.
// this will be used to generate the typescale sizes.
base: {
from: 16, // (px) -> base font size at the start viewport
to: 18, // (px) -> base font size at the final viewport
lineHeight: 1.6, // (unitless) -> base line height
// add the desired steps in the typescale.
// the key will be used in the class name.
// if you need some extra smaller steps, you can also use float values for the step.
// for example {sm: [-0.5, 1.6], xs: [-1, 1.6], lead: [0.3, 1.5], h3: [1, 1.4] ...}
steps: {
sm: [-1, 1.6], // format is the following -> NAME: [STEP, LINEHEIGHT]
h3: [1, 1.4],
h2: [2, 1.3],
h1: [3, 1.2],
// the following extra sizes are not part of the default config. add as many as you need.
// extra sizes are not part of the typescale and just simple fluid sizes,
// where you want to have control of the start/finish values.
extraSizes: {
lead: { from: 16.5, to: 18, lineHeight: 1.7 },
serif: { from: 17, to: 19, lineHeight: 1.6 },
with these settings you would have the following utility classes generated: