Write your Tailwind CSS configuration file with your own custom utilities as though they were native to the framework
🧩 Tailwind CSS Custom Native Utilities
This Tailwind CSS plugin allows you to write configuration for your own custom utility in the theme
and variants
section of your config as though it were actually part of the framework. Just define it with a single line in the plugins
This should allow you to finally kill off leftover CSS and inline styles that have no accompanying plugin-made or native utility. Although you can replace other plugins with this one, it's probably a good idea to use those instead because they're purpose-built and likely to create a better output.
💻 Installation
npm install --save-dev tailwindcss-custom-native
🛠 Basic usage
With this Tailwind configuration,
module.exports = {
theme: {
// This utility is not native to Tailwind,
mixBlendMode: {
'screen': 'screen',
'overlay': 'overlay',
// So we define it here!
customUtilities: {
mixBlendMode: {},
// There are extra parameters for further customization -- see the advanced usage section
plugins: [
this CSS is generated:
.mix-blend-mode-screen {
mix-blend-mode: screen;
.mix-blend-mode-overlay {
mix-blend-mode: overlay;
When no variants are specified in the variants
key of your config, no variants will be generated, as you saw above. (If you would prefer for ['responsive']
to be the default, I am open to changing it).
If you want variants (in the same config as above):
module.exports = {
theme: {
mixBlendMode: {
'screen': 'screen',
'overlay': 'overlay',
customUtilities: {
mixBlendMode: {},
variants: {
// All variants, whether added by plugin or not, are at your disposal
mixBlendMode: ['hover', 'focus'],
plugins: [
you get this additional CSS:
.hover\:mix-blend-mode-screen:hover {
mix-blend-mode: screen;
.hover\:mix-blend-mode-overlay:hover {
mix-blend-mode: overlay;
.focus\:mix-blend-mode-screen:focus {
mix-blend-mode: screen;
.focus\:mix-blend-mode-overlay:focus {
mix-blend-mode: overlay;
⚙️ Full configuration
This plugin expects configuration of the form
theme: {
customUtilities: {
key: { property, rename, addUtilitiesOptions },
// Keep repeating this pattern for more utilities
Where each parameter means:
(required, string) - The name of the key for your custom utility, as you wrote in thetheme
(optional, string) - The CSS property that your utility is forWhen not specified, it defaults to kebab-casing (AKA hyphenating) the
. For example,key: 'animationTimingFunction'
has correspondingproperty: 'animation-timing-function'
).This parameter allows you to use a
that may be shorter than the property name, or completely different from it.rename
(optional, string) - The prefix before each value name (fromtheme[key]
) in the generated classesWhen not specified, it defaults to kebab-casing (AKA hyphenating) the
. For example,key: 'mixBlendMode'
has correspondingrename: 'mix-blend-mode'
).If set to the empty string (
), then there is no prefix and each generated class is just the value name.addUtilitiesOptions
(optional, object) - Extra options to pass to theaddUtilities
function call.As of Tailwind 1.2.0, this just means the
📚 Examples
Specify rename: ''
so you can write blur-4
and grayscale
instead of filter-blur-4
and filter-grayscale
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
customUtilities: {
filter: { rename: "" },
filter: {
"grayscale": "grayscale(100%)",
"blur-4": "blur(1rem)",
variants: {
filter: ["responsive"],
plugins: [
.grayscale {
filter: grayscale(100%);
.blur-4 {
filter: blur(1rem);
/* Or whatever screen `sm` is in your config */
@media (min-width: 640px) {
.sm\:grayscale {
filter: grayscale(100%);
.sm\:blur-4 {
filter: blur(1rem);
/* ... and so on for the other screens */
Any property named with a -
in front will have that moved to the front of the generated class name, just like the native margin
or z-index
utilities do.
Let's say you want a section specifically for blur utilities, because they really have nothing to do with other kinds of CSS filters. Use 'blur'
as the key
and 'filter'
as the property
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
blur: {
'0': 'blur(0)',
'1': 'blur(0.25rem)',
'2': 'blur(0.5rem)',
// ... as many numbers as you want
customUtilities: {
blur: { property: 'filter' },
variants: {
blur: ['active'],
plugins: [
.blur-0 {
filter: blur(0);
.blur-1 {
filter: blur(0.25rem);
.blur-2 {
filter: blur(0.5rem);
.active\:blur-0:active {
filter: blur(0);
.active\:blur-1:active {
filter: blur(0.25rem);
.active\:blur-2:active {
filter: blur(0.5rem);
/* and so on for the other numbers you specified */
In practice, you will probably need more than one custom utility, so just add another to the list:
module.exports = {
theme: {
customUtilities: {
listStyleImage: { rename: "list" },
scrollBehavior: { rename: "scroll" },
listStyleImage: {
checkmark: "url('/img/checkmark.png')",
scrollBehavior: {
immediately: "auto",
smoothly: "smooth",
variants: {},
plugins: [
.list-checkmark {
list-style-image: url('/img/checkmark.png');
.scroll-immediately {
scroll-behavior: auto;
.scroll-smoothly {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
This plugin can piggyback off of other plugins, especially those that register new variants or are missing relevant utilities.
In this case, it is used to add some content
utilities that have before
and after
pseudoselector variants, as provided by tailwindcss-pseudo
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
content: {
empty: "''",
smile: "'\\1F60A'",
checkmark: "url(/img/checkmark.png)",
customUtilities: {
content: {},
// This is tailwindcss-pseudo config
pseudo: {
before: "before",
after: "after",
variants: {
content: ["before", "after"],
plugins: [
.content-empty {
content: "";
.content-smile {
content: "\1F60A";
.content-checkmark {
content: url(/img/checkmark.png);
.before\:content-empty::before {
content: "";
.before\:content-smile::before {
content: "\1F60A";
.before\:content-checkmark::before {
content: url(/img/checkmark.png);
.after\:content-empty::after {
content: "";
.after\:content-smile::after {
content: "\1F60A";
.after\:content-checkmark::after {
content: url(/img/checkmark.png);
😵 Help! I have a question
Create an issue and I'll try to help.
😡 Fix! There is something that needs improvement
Create an issue or pull request and I'll try to fix.
📄 License
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