HSLuv/HPLuv color space for TailwindCSS
HSLuv/HPLuv color space for TailwindCSS
This package is made to experiment with the HSLuv/HPLuv color space which should be better for UI design. It's technically just a helper function which using the hsluv library to generate the color variants for TailwindCSS.
NEW: From 0.1.4 this package is usable as Tailwind CSS plugin.
Steve Schoger made a beautiful color palette in Tailwind CSS, but:
- you can't trust in the lightness variations. Even if the colors are hand-picked, if you use bg-blue-300 and bg-yellow-300 the perceived lightness will be different.
- the steps between the lightness variations sometimes not even
How then?
The difference between HSL and HSLuv/HPLuv/CIELUV color spaces is the lightness value based on the human eye instead of how the monitor mixing the colors. With HSLuv we can generate the color variations based on the perceived lightness.
You can read about these here:
The HSLuv library made by Alexei Boronine
The Color name list came from the Name that color library
npm i tailwind-hsluv
# or
yarn add tailwind-hsluv
Color names
The generateColors
function accepts colors as string
or array
- hex color like
- named color like
"Eastern Blue"
, etc. (1) - RGB color array like:
[255, 0, 0]
(1) The color name lookup is case-insensitive. You can find the color names in the source or you can pick one via the Name that color website.
Plugin usage
// tailwind.config.js
const { hsluv } = require('tailwind-hsluv');
module.exports = {
// ...your other config...
plugins: [
superred: '#ff0000', // 6 digit hex color
grayscale: '#ccc', // / 3 digit hex color
blue: [ 0, 0, 255 ], // rgb array
green: 'green', // simple named color
mypurple: 'Jacksons Purple' // specific named color
}, {
step: 50, // default 100
hpluv: false, // use the HPLuv color space, default: false
// ...your other plugins...
Generate colors directly
generateColors(colorMap, options)
: generates the colors for TailwindCSS.
| name | default | description |
| ----- | ------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| step | 100
| steps between the lightness values |
| hpluv | false
| use the HPLuv color space (less saturated) |
Full example:
// tailwind.config.js
const { generateColors } = require('tailwind-hsluv');
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: generateColors({
superred: '#ff0000', // 6 digit hex color
grayscale: '#ccc', /// 3 digit hex color
blue: [0, 0, 255], // rgb array
green: 'green', // simple named color
mypurple: 'Jacksons Purple' // specific named color
}, {
step: 100, // steps between lightness variants, default: 100
hpluv: false // use the HPLuv color space, default: false
It will generate an object which usable for tailwind config, like this:
"red": {
"100": "#FFDADA",
"200": "#FFB3B3",
"300": "#FF8888",
"400": "#FF5353",
"500": "#EF0000",
"600": "#C00000",
"700": "#930000",
"800": "#690000",
"900": "#410000",
"default": "#FF0000"
"blue": {
// ...
// another colors...
Comparison between the color palettes
The "text" texts are colored with grayscale hsl(0, 0%, 10%-90%)
and each of the boxes have a background color lightness variant from 100 to 900.
If the text lightness is closer to the background color lightness you less likely can see the difference between them.
See CHANGELOG.md (since 0.1.4), and CHANGELOG-old.md (before 0.1.4)
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Licensed under the MIT License.