A utility function that combines `clsx` and `tailwind-merge` to ensure that a string of Tailwind CSS classnames are free of duplications and conflicts.
Tailwind Class Merge
Tailwind Class Merge is a utility function that combines clsx
and tailwind-merge
to ensure that a string of Tailwind CSS class names are free of duplications and conflicts.
You can install Tailwind Class Merge using npm:
npm install tailwind-class-merge
The classMerge
function accepts any number of arguments, which can be strings, objects, or arrays. It combines the class names using clsx
and then merges the result with tailwind-merge
to optimize the Tailwind CSS class utilities.
Import the classMerge
function from the package:
import { classMerge } from "tailwind-class-merge";
Use the classMerge
function to merge and optimize Tailwind CSS class names:
const className = classMerge("text-lg", "font-bold", "text-red-500");
// Output: "font-bold text-lg text-red-500"
Merging class names with conflicting Tailwind utilities:
const className = classMerge(
// Output: "text-xl text-blue-500"
Merging class names with conditional objects:
const className = classMerge("text-lg", {
"font-bold": true,
"text-red-500": false,
// Output: "text-lg font-bold"
It pairs very well with the cva package, and sets you up for the "bulletproof" components described in their Handling Style Conflicts docs.
import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority";
import { classMerge } from "tailwind-class-merge";
const baseClassNames =
"rounded-md font-semibold text-gray-700 bg-gray-300";
const button = cva(["button", baseClassNames], {
variants: {
status: {
success: "text-green-700 bg-green-300",
warning: "text-yellow-700 bg-yellow-300",
danger: "text-red-700 bg-red-300",
info: "text-blue-700 bg-blue-300",
size: {
small: "text-xs px-2 py-1",
medium: "text-sm leading-5 py-2 px-4",
defaultVariants: {
status: "info",
size: "medium",
export interface ButtonProps
extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, VariantProps<typeof button> {}
export const Button = ({ className, status, size, ...restProps}: ButtonProps) => {
return (
className={classMerge(button({ className, status, size }))} {...restProps}
// In use:
<Button size="small" className="shadow">
A Small Shadowy Button
// Output:
<button class="button rounded-md font-semibold text-blue-700 bg-blue-300 text-xs px-2 py-1 shadow">
A Small Shadowy Button
Tailwind Class Merge includes unit tests to ensure the correctness of the classMerge
function. To run the tests, use the following command:
npm test
The tests are written using the Jest testing framework and cover various scenarios to validate the behavior of the classMerge
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.
This package is open source and available under the MIT License.