NodeJS API Wrapper for the taiga API
🔌 NodeJS API Wrapper for the taiga API
How to use
// Import taiga.js
import { TaigaAPI } from "taiga.js";
// Create Client
const client = new TaigaAPI({
// Defaults:
token: undefined, // Specify an optional token for user auth
apiUrl: "https://api.taigabot.cc", // Optionally change this when working on a local taiga Installation
debug: false, // Makes errors not throw if API returns error if true. Only for testing purposes!
alwaysGetFullResponse: false, // When set to false, only get data, when set to true also returns status code and success boolean. Only for testing purposes!
userAgent: undefined, // Can be a string to overwrite user agent used for requests. If set to undefined, use default user agent.
// Do a request
client.stats().then((result) => {
- Returns: Promise<TaigaStatsResponse>
- API Endpoint:
user(id?: number)
- Takes:
- id (string) (optional) - The Discord ID of the user to request. If no ID is specified, the user making the request is used.
- Returns: Promise<TaigaUserResponse>
- API Endpoint:
- Requires token
transactions(id?: number, page?: number, pageSize?: number, currency?: string)
- Takes:
- id (string) (optional) - The Discord ID of the user to request. If no ID is specified, the user making the request is used.
- page (number) (optional) - The page to get. If no page is specified, the first page will be requested.
- pageSize (number) (optional) - The amount of transactions to get per page. If no page size is specified, the default page size will be 10.
- currency (string) (optional) - The currency to filter for. If no currency is specified, all transactions will be requested.
- Returns: Promise<TaigaTransactionsResponse>
- API Endpoint:
- Requires token
inventory(id?: number, page?: number, pageSize?: number)
- Takes:
- id (string) (optional) - The Discord ID of the user to request. If no ID is specified, the user making the request is used.
- page (number) (optional) - The page to get. If no page is specified, the first page will be requested.
- pageSize (number) (optional) - The amount of items to get per page. If no page size is specified, the default page size will be 10.
- Returns: Promise<TaigaInventoryResponse>
- API Endpoint:
- Requires token