Table cartograms are a type of data visualization that represents tables of data as grid of quadrilaterals. They look a lot like if you were a heatmap were area-ed rather than colored. They may look really unconventional, but they have a surprisingly wide
Table cartograms are a type of data visualization that represents tables of data as grid of quadrilaterals. They look a lot like if you were a heatmap were area-ed rather than colored. They may look really unconventional, but they have a surprisingly wide collection of uses, ranging from calendars, to pivot tables, and many others. They facilitate part-to-whole and part-to-part comparisons, in a similar manner as a pie chart, as well as offer specific detail look up, as in a traditional table or heatmap. Together these properties can make really interesting displays.
In this library we provide an iteration based approach to creating table cartograms. We follow a very simple optimization approach in which we select from a library of initializations, also allowing for custom ones, and then iteratively adjust the vertices via gradient descent until a satisfactory condition is reached. Details about the math and algorithm behind process are forthcoming.
What mattters here is how to use this tool.
To install table-cartogram.js pick your favorite command line installation tool and install from npm:
npm install --save table-cartogram
Usage for the impatient
This is a layout library similar to d3-force or d3-hierarchy, which means that we don't necessarilly provide a way for you to render our shapes on the page. Instead we just process the data you give us and give back the layout as specified. For instance, running
import {tableCartogram} from 'table-cartogram';
const processedData = tableCartogram({
data: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
iterations: 300
This will run for 300 steps (is this a lot is this a little? it is unclear in general, see below for more details) and then give back the following json blob:
vertices: [
{x: 0, y: 0},
{x: 0, y: 0.11587962704189894},
{x: 0.23766482934163694, y: 0.07045603854120724},
{x: 0.2399217002219555, y: 0}
], value: 1, data: 1
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0.2399217002219555, y: 0},
{x: 0.23766482934163694, y: 0.07045603854120724},
{x: 0.5729791507019034, y: 0.1906732352855676},
{x: 0.5807805266917323, y: 0}
], value: 2, data: 2
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0.5807805266917323, y: 0},
{x: 0.5729791507019034, y: 0.1906732352855676},
{x: 1, y: 0.1250510371936567},
{x: 1, y: 0}
], value: 3, data: 3
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0, y: 0.11587962704189894},
{x: 0, y: 0.44130111740810685},
{x: 0.27288647717499803, y: 0.438094616754241},
{x: 0.23766482934163694, y: 0.07045603854120724}
], value: 4, data: 4
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0.23766482934163694, y: 0.07045603854120724},
{x: 0.27288647717499803, y: 0.438094616754241},
{x: 0.6202653218584823, y: 0.4955203300528266},
{x: 0.5729791507019034, y: 0.1906732352855676}
], value: 5, data: 5
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0.5729791507019034, y: 0.1906732352855676},
{x: 0.6202653218584823, y: 0.4955203300528266},
{x: 1, y: 0.47631624172556986},
{x: 1, y: 0.1250510371936567}
], value: 6, data: 6
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0, y: 0.44130111740810685},
{x: 0, y: 1},
{x: 0.28234244751135684, y: 1},
{x: 0.27288647717499803, y: 0.438094616754241}
], value: 7, data: 7
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0.27288647717499803, y: 0.438094616754241},
{x: 0.28234244751135684, y: 1},
{x: 0.6012939097461701, y: 1},
{x: 0.6202653218584823, y: 0.4955203300528266}
], value: 8, data: 8
}, {
vertices: [
{x: 0.6202653218584823, y: 0.4955203300528266},
{x: 0.6012939097461701, y: 1},
{x: 1, y: 1},
{x: 1, y: 0.47631624172556986}
], value: 9, data: 9
It is then up to you to figure out how to render this thing! For more impatience, check out the iterative-display file for more.
We expose three top level functions, which related to three processing modes for the table cartogram: tableCartogram, tableCartogramWithUpdate, tableCartogramAdaptive. In a subsequent release we will expose a collection of react components for computing the table cartogram, those components currently live in showcase/components, most notably iterative-display.js (which shows the converge process for a table cartogram) and table-cartogram.js (which is a simple rendering component).
Construct a table cartogram using a fixed number of steps.
data: DataTable
Any tabular data that can be be combined with an accessor to generate number[][]
accessor: (x: any) => number
A lambda function for getting the of a particular cell with data table
layout: LayoutType
See Below
iterations: number
The number of iteration that you wish for the computation to run
height?: number
Default: 1
The height scaling factor of computation. Generally good to select a low number such as 1.
width?: number
Default: 1
The width scaling factor of computation. Generally good to select a low number such as 1.
optimizationParams?: OptimizationParams
Object See Below
const directResults = tableCartogram({
layout: 'gridLayout',
iterations: 300,
accessor: (d) => d.x,
height: 0.5,
Construct a function for iteratively creating updates, useful for watching the descent process or debugging. Returns a function which takes a number of steps to take, that is it's type is something like (PROPS) => (steps: number) => polygons
data: DataTable
Any tabular data that can be be combined with an accessor to generate number[][]
accessor: (x: any) => number
A lambda function for getting the of a particular cell with data table
height?: number
Default: 1
The height scaling factor of computation. Generally good to select a low number such as 1.
width?: number
Default: 1
The width scaling factor of computation. Generally good to select a low number such as 1.
layout: LayoutType
See Below
optimizationParams?: OptimizationParams
Object See Below
const resultsBuilder = tableCartogramWithUpdate({
layout: 'gridLayout',
accessor: (d) => d.x,
height: 0.5,
const withUpdateResults = resultsBuilder(300);
Construct a table cartogram using a fixed accuracy target.
data: DataTable
Any tabular data that can be be combined with an accessor to generate number[][]
accessor: (x: any) => number
A lambda function for getting the of a particular cell with data table
height?: number
Default: 1
The height scaling factor of computation. Generally good to select a low number such as 1.
width?: number
Default: 1
The width scaling factor of computation. Generally good to select a low number such as 1.
layout: LayoutType
See Below
logging?: boolean
Default: false
Whether or not to provide console logging of various metrics across the gradient descent process
maxNumberOfSteps?: number; The maximum number of allowed steps in the descent.
iterationStepSize?: number
Default: 10
How many gradient steps to take in between checks
maxNumberOfSteps?: number
Default: 1000
The maximum allowed number of steps that can be taken
optimizationParams?: OptimizationParams
Object See Below
targetAccuracy?: number
Default: 0.01
The target accuracy for the adapative descent.
const adaptive = tableCartogramAdaptive({
layout: 'gridLayout',
maxNumberOfSteps: 300,
accessor: (d) => d.x,
height: 0.5,
Optimization Params
The controls for the gradient descent and objective function.
lineSearchSteps: 30,
useAnalytic: false,
stepSize: 0.01,
nonDeterministic: false,
useGreedy: true,
orderPenalty: 1,
borderPenalty: 1,
overlapPenalty: 4,
Param: lineSearchSteps
Default: 30
Description: The number of steps to take while computing the gradient line search.
Param: useAnalytic
Default: false
Description: Whether to use the analytic gradient or an automatically computed one.
Param: stepSize
Default: 0.01
Description: How big a step to use in computing the gradient.
Param: nonDeterministic
Default: false
Description: Whether to use stochastic gradient descent or just regular gradient descent.
Param: useGreedy
Default: true
Description: Whether to use a greedy strategy (bigger shapes should be corrected first) for computing the object or a normalized one (all shapes should be corrected at the same rate).
Param: orderPenalty
Default: 1
Description: How much penalty to assign to nodes that have gone out of order.
Param: borderPenalty
Default: 1
Description: How much penalty to assign to nodes that have gone out of the border.
Param: overlapPenalty
Default: 4
Description: How much penalty to assign to overlap between quads.
We offer a suite of 12 layouts, 10 single algorithm layouts and 2 meta layouts. Much of the control that our library offers is due to the flexibility of these layouts.
The single layouts consist of: gridLayout, zigZagOnX, zigZagOnY, zigZagOnXY, psuedoCartogramLayout, psuedoCartogramLayoutZigZag, partialPsuedoCartogram, rampX, rampY, rampXY.
The meta layouts are: pickBest and pickWorst. As the names suggest they iterate through each of the single layout options and try to select either the best or the worst one, based purely on the objective score at that point.
Contributing and Local Development
We welcome contributions and comments. To get started simply run
- Have Yarn/Node/Npm Installed
- Install our deps
- Start up the development sandbox
For example
yarn start
After you've developed things, make sure that code passes the tests:
yarn lint
yarn test
And then you're good!