Simulates the brazilian RPG: [Tormenta 20](https://jamboeditora.com.br/produto/tormenta20-edicao-jogo-do-ano-digital/).
T20 SheetBuilder
Simulates the brazilian RPG: Tormenta 20.
npm i t20-sheet-builder
Quick start
To create a human warrior:
const sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder();
const sheet = sheetBuilder
.setInitialAttributes({strength: 2, dexterity: 0, charisma: 0, constitution: 0, intelligence: 0, wisdom: 2})
.chooseRace(new Human(
['charisma', 'constitution', 'dexterity'],
[new VersatileChoiceSkill(SkillName.acrobatics), new VersatileChoicePower(new OneWeaponStyle())]
.chooseRole(new Warrior([SkillName.fight, SkillName.aim, SkillName.athletics]))
.chooseOrigin(new Acolyte([
new OriginBenefitGeneralPower(new IronWill()),
new OriginBenefitSkill(SkillName.cure)]
simpleWeapon: new Dagger(),
armor: new LeatherArmor(),
martialWeapon: new LongSword(),
money: 24,
const character = new Character(sheet);
This is the actual character. It receives a CharacterSheet
- generated by SheetBuilder
, and has the following methods:
export type CharacterInterface = {
modifiers: CharacterModifiers;
sheet: CharacterSheetInterface;
selectFightStyle(fightStyle: FightStyle): void;
unselectFightStyle(): void;
serialize(context: Context): SerializedCharacter;
getAttributes(): Attributes;
getAttacks(context: Context): Map<EquipmentName, CharacterAttack>;
toggleEquipItem(name: EquipmentName): void;
getWieldedItems(): EquipmentName[];
getFightStyle(): CharacterAppliedFightStyle | undefined;
Represents a possible attack with an weapon. It has the following methods:
export type CharacterAttack = {
roll(): AttackResult
changeTestAttackAttribute(attribute: Attribute) // used for weapons that allow to change the used attribute
// you can get the modifiers applied to the attack/damage
modifiers: CharacterAttackModifiers
// but also the final calculated values for them
getTestModifiersMaxTotal(): number
getTestModifiersTotal(): number
getDamageModifiersMaxTotal(): number
getDamageModifiersTotal(): number
// these values are calculated based on the context
// max total is the maximum value if all conditions are met
// total is the value for current character context
Is the result of an attack roll. It has the following data:
export type AttackResult = {
damage: {
total: number;
modifiers: Modifiers;
rollResult: RollResult;
modifiersTotal: number;
test: {
total: number;
modifiers: Modifiers;
rollResult: RollResult;
modifiersTotal: number;
isCritical: boolean;
isFumble: boolean;
Most content can be retrieved from a method like these:
import {Content} from 't20-sheet-builder';
const races = Content.getRaces();
Content API
- getDeities(): Deities
- getHeavyArmors(): HeavyArmors
- getLightArmors(): LightArmors
- getExoticWeapons(): ExoticWeapons
- getFireArmWeapons(): FireArmWeapons
- getMartialWeapons(): MartialWeapons
- getSimpleWeapons(): SimpleWeapons
- getOrigins(): Origins
- getTormentaPowers(): TormentaPowers
- getRaces(): Races
- getRoles(): Roles
- getArcanistPathWizardFocuses(): ArcanistPathWizardFocuses
- getSpells(): Spells
- getArmors(): Armors
Content names
Some names can be retrieved despite the actual class:
const skill = SkillName.acrobatics;
const equipment = EquipmentName.leatherArmor;
const spell = SpellName.bless;
const generalPower = GeneralPowerName.ironWill;
// etc
Sheet Builder
The SheetBuilder
class is the main class of the library. It is used to create a character sheet.
It has the following methods:
type SheetBuilderInterface = {
build(): CharacterSheet;
reset(): SheetBuilder;
addInitialEquipment(params: SheetBuilderInitialEquipmentParams): SheetBuilder;
trainIntelligenceSkills(skills: SkillName[]): SheetBuilder;
chooseOrigin(origin: OriginInterface): SheetBuilder;
chooseRole(role: RoleInterface): SheetBuilder;
chooseRace(race: RaceInterface): SheetBuilder;
Internally it uses an "incomplete" sheet class: BuildingSheet
. Then after all mandatory choices are made, it builds a CharacterSheet
Character Sheet
This is the actual builded sheet with all information. But it is not a character yet.
The Context has information about the current situation of the character. It is used to calculate and apply ContextualModifiers
to the character.
We have some predefined contexts:
: disable all contextual modifiersInGameContext
: enable all contextual modifiers for validationPreviewContext
: enable contextual modifiers that are not "in game" (like "location")
Most races can be instantiated without parameters, but Human, Lefeu and Qareen need some input.
Human receives choices for attributes and versatile choices.
Versatile choices can be either a skill or a power.
const attributes = ['charisma', 'constitution', 'dexterity'];
const versatileChoices = [
new VersatileChoiceSkill(SkillName.acrobatics),
new VersatileChoicePower(new OneWeaponStyle())
const human = new Human(attributes, versatileChoices);
Lefeu receives choices for attributes and deformities.
const attributes = ['strength', 'constitution', 'dexterity'];
const lefeu = new Lefeu(attributes);
lefeu.addDeformities([SkillName.acrobatics, SkillName.animalHandling]);
Qareen receives a QareenType
and a spell for Mystic Tattoo.
const qareen = new Qareen('water', SpellName.arcaneArmor);