sz-iptools is a set of tools to validate and manage ip data and configurations using Node.js.
Sz-IPtools is a set of tools to validate, calculate and manage IP address configuration of a Linux server. It is write to use as a Node.js module. The tools are separate by modules, that can be invoked separately. The modules are:
IPCalculator: Some methods to help IP address validation, get address details and calculate netwok information with subnet mask.
- isIPv4
- getIpData
- onSameNetwork
- convertCidrToNetmask
- convertNetmaskToCidr
ConnTester: Tests TCP connections to remote hosts.
- test
IFaceConfigurator: (Just some methods implemented) Gets network interfaces information. Manages network interfaces and IP address.
- getInterfaces
- getAddresses
- addAddress
- delAddress
- getDnsServers
- getNetworkManagerProcs
- killNetworkManagerProcs
- getDhclientProcs
- killDhclientProcs
IPRouter: (Just some methods implemented) Gets routes information. Manages routes, tables and routing rules.
- getRoutes
- getTables
- getDefaultGateway
- getIpForward
- setIpForward
- Node.js (tested on >= 7.x)
> npm install sz-iptools --save
Loading IPCalculator module
const SzIPCalculator = require('sz-iptools').IPCalculator
Loading ConnTester module
const SzConnTester = require('sz-iptools').ConnTester
Loading IFaceConfigurator module
const SzIFaceConfig = require('sz-iptools').IFaceConfigurator
Loading IPRouter module
const SzIPRouter = require('sz-iptools').IPRouter
SzIPCalculator.isIPv4(string, callback)
Evaluate if the string passed is a valid IPv4 address.
string (string) IP address to evaluate. Must to be a string, can contain netmask, cidr prefix or not.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Boolean).
// Checks if is a valid IPv4 address.
SzIPCalculator.isIPv4('', (err, isValidIp) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
if (!isValidIp) return console.log(' NOT an valid IPv4 address')
return console.log(' Valid IPv4 address')
// Checks if is a valid IPv4 address.
SzIPCalculator.isIPv4('', (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
if (!isValidIp) return console.log(' NOT an valid IPv4 address')
return console.log(' Valid IPv4 address')
// Checks if is a valid IPv4 address.
SzIPCalculator.isIPv4('', (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
if (!isValidIp) return console.log(' NOT an valid IPv4 address')
return console.log(' Valid IPv4 address')
SzIPCalculator.getIpData(string, callback)
Gets IPv4 data based on address passed as string. If address contains netmask or cidr prefix, calculates information about network. Otherwise, gets address information.
string (string) IP address to evaluate. Must to be a string, can contain netmask, cidr prefix or not.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Object).
// Gets all possible data for with netmask
SzIPCalculator.getIpData('', (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
return console.log(res)
// it returns
address: {
string: '',
decimal: 3232235777,
binary: '11000000.10101000.00000001.00000001'
netmask: {
string: '',
cidr: 19
info: {
haveNetmask: true,
private: true,
reserved: false
network: {
address: '',
broadcast: '',
hostsNumber: 8189
lower: {
string: '',
binary: '11000000.10101000.00000000.00000000',
decimal: 3232235520
higher: {
string: '',
binary: '11000000.10101000.00011111.11111111',
decimal: 3232243711
SzIPCalculator.onSameNetwork(ip1, ip2, netmask, callback)
Evaluate if ip1 and ip2 are on the same network, based on netmask.
ip1 (string) First IP address for evaluation.
ip2 (string) Second IP address for evaluation.
netmask (string) Subnet user for evaluation.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Boolean).
// Checks if and are on the same network if using netmask.
SzIPCalculator.onSameNetwork('', '', '', (err, sameNetwork) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
if (!sameNetwork) return console.log(' and are NOT on the same network.')
return console.log(' and are on the same network.')
SzIPCalculator.convertCidrToNetmask(cidr, callback)
Converts a CIDR prefix, passed as a string or number, to a netmask string with dotted notation.
cidr (string|number) CIDR prefix. Value >= 0 and <= 32 passed as string or number.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, String).
SzIpCalculator.convertCidrToNetmask('23', (err, netmask) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
return console.log(netmask) // shoud log
SzIPCalculator.convertNetmaskToCidr(cidr, callback)
Converts a netmask (dotted notation), passed as a string, to a CIDR prefix.
cidr (string|number) CIDR prefix. Value >= 0 and <= 32 passed as string or number.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, String).
SzIpCalculator.convertNetmaskToCidr('', (err, netmask) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
return console.log(cidr) // shoud log 23
SzIPCalculator.getNextIp(ipWithCidr, callback)
Gets the next IP address of a network.
ipWithCidr (string) IP address with CIDR sufix.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, String).
SzIpCalculator.getNextIp('', (err, nextIp) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
return console.log(nextIp) // shoud log
SzIPCalculator.getPreviousIp(ipWithCidr, callback)
Gets the previous IP address of a network.
ipWithCidr (string) IP address with CIDR sufix.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, String).
SzIpCalculator.getNextIp('', (err, previousIp) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
return console.log(previousIp) // shoud log
SzConnTester.test(host, port, timeout, callback)
Try to connect to TCP port. Pass true to callback if can connect, otherwise, false is passed.
host (string) Host or IP to connect.
port (number) TCP port to be tested on host.
timeout (number) - optional - Timeout to wait for connection in milliseconds. After that, false is passed to callback. default is 10000.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Boolean).
// Test port TCP 443 of address with timeout 5000 milliseconds.
SzConnTester.test('', 443, 5000, (err, connStatus) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
if (!connStatus) return console.log('Connection failiure.')
return console.log('Successful connection.')
IFaceConfigurator module executes commands related to network and network interfaces. In some cases, may to need root or sudo access. Furthermore, almost all commands depends from iproute2.
SzIFaceConfig.getInterfaces(filter, options, callback)
Gets server's network interfaces with respective addresses. Returns an array with interfaces.
filter (object|string) - optional - Filter to return just some network interfaces.
options (object) - optional - Object to manipulate de search and results from command.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Object).
// Filter example - filter uses "LIKE" and "AND" condition, so the filter above returns just interfaces with eth0 in name, ether in type and mtu 1500
let filter = {
name: "eth0",
type: "ether",
mtu: 1500
// Options example
let options = {
getIpData: false, // gets data for all addresses - see IPCalculator.getIpData()
sudo: false, // executes command with sudo
args: [], // extra arguments to ip route commands - be careful
exclude: [] // array of interfaces name to exclude from search
// Gets all network interfaces - tip: {}, "", "all" or omiting filter returns all interfaces
SzIFaceConfig.getInterfaces('all', options, (err, interfaces) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(JSON.stringify(interfaces))
// Tip: {name: "eth0"} and "eth0" are the same thing.
SzIFaceConfig.getInterfaces({name: 'eth0'}, (err, interfaces) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(interfaces)
SzIFaceConfig.getInterfaces((err, interfaces) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(interfaces)
// common return
index: '1',
name: 'lo',
mtu: 65536,
qdisc: 'noqueue',
state: 'UNKNOWN',
mode: 'DEFAULT',
group: 'default',
type: 'loopback',
mac: '00:00:00:00:00:00',
brd: '00:00:00:00:00:00',
addresses: []
index: '2',
name: 'eno1',
mtu: 1500,
qdisc: 'pfifo_fast',
state: 'UP',
mode: 'DEFAULT',
group: 'default',
type: 'ether',
mac: '74:86:7a:fb:1c:64',
brd: 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff',
addresses: [ '' ]
SzIFaceConfig.getAddresses(iface, options, callback)
Gets server's network interfaces with respective addresses. Returns an array with interfaces.
iface (string) - Network interface name to get addresses. Ex: "eth0".
options (object) - optional - Object to manipulate de search and results from command.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Object).
let options = {
getIpData: false, // gets data for all addresses - see IPCalculator.getIpData()
sudo: false, // executes command with sudo
args: [], // extra arguments to ip route commands - be careful
SzIFaceConfig.getAddresses('eth0', (err, addresses) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(addresses) //must log something like [ '' ]
SzIFaceConfig.getAddresses('eth0', options, (err, addresses) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(addresses)
SzIFaceConfig.addAddress(ip, netmask, iface, options, callback)
Adds the specified IP address to network interface. Returns an array with updated list of interfaces IP addresses. If IP already exists on interface, just returns addresses.
ip (string) - IPv4 address without netmask or with netmask if netmask not informed at second param.
netmask - Netmask passed as string or CIDR. Must be informed if ip not contain any netmask.
iface (string) - Network interface name to add address. Ex: "eth0".
options (object) - optional - Object to manipulate de search and results from command.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Object).
Possible constructors:
(ip, netmask, iface, options, callback)
(ip, netmask, iface, callback)
(ip, iface, options, callback)
(ip, iface, callback)
let options = {
getIpData: false, // gets data for all addresses - see IPCalculator.getIpData()
sudo: true, // executes command with sudo
args: [], // extra arguments to ip route commands - be careful
SzIFaceConfig.addAddress('', '', 'eth0', options, (err, addresses) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(addresses) //must log updated list of ip addresses
SzIFaceConfig.delAddress(ip, netmask, iface, options, callback)
Removes the specified IP address to network interface. Returns an array with updated list of interfaces IP addresses. If IP does not exists on interface, just returns addresses.
ip (string) - IPv4 address without netmask or with netmask if netmask not informed at second param.
netmask - Netmask passed as string or CIDR. Must be informed if ip not contain any netmask.
iface (string) - Network interface name to add address. Ex: "eth0".
options (object) - optional - Object to manipulate de search and results from command.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Object).
Possible constructors:
(ip, netmask, iface, options, callback)
(ip, netmask, iface, callback)
(ip, iface, options, callback)
(ip, iface, callback)
let options = {
getIpData: false, // gets data for all addresses - see IPCalculator.getIpData()
sudo: true, // executes command with sudo
args: [], // extra arguments to ip route commands - be careful
SzIFaceConfig.delAddress('', '', 'eth0', options, (err, addresses) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(addresses) //must log updated list of ip addresses
Parses DNS servers from /etc/resolv.conf and returns as a string array.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Array).
SzIFaceConfig.getDnsServers((err, servers) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(servers) //must log array with IP of DNS servers
Gets an array of NetworkManager processes. An empty array is a signal that NetworkManager is not running.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Array).
SzIFaceConfig.getNetworkManagerProcs((err, procs) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(procs) //must log array with NetworkManager processes.
SzIFaceConfig.killNetworkManagerProcs(options, callback)
Tries to stop NetworkManager service and kill pendant processes. Returns array of NetworkManager processes after command. An empty array is a signal that NetworkManager is no more running.
options (object) - optional - Object to manipulate de search and results from command.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Array).
Possible constructors:
(options, callback)
let options = {
sudo: true
SzIFaceConfig.killNetworkManagerProcs(options, (err, procs) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(procs) //must log array with NetworkManager processes. Empty array if OK.
Gets an array of dhclient processes. An empty array is a signal that dhclient is not running.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Array).
SzIFaceConfig.getDhclientProcs((err, procs) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(procs) //must log array with dhclient processes.
SzIFaceConfig.killDhclientProcs(iface, options, callback)
Tries to kill dhclient processes for specific or all interfaces. Returns array of dhclient processes after command. An empty array is a signal that dhclient is no more running.
options (object) - optional - Object to manipulate de search and results from command.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Array).
Possible constructors:
(iface, options, callback)
(iface, callback)
let options = {
sudo: true
// Tip: "all" kills dhclient for all interfaces.
SzIFaceConfig.killDhclientProcs('all', options, (err, procs) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(procs) //must log array with dhclient processes. Empty array if OK.
IPRouter module executes commands related to routes, tables and rules. In some cases, may to need root or sudo access. Furthermore, almost all commands depends from iproute2.
SzIPRouter.getRoutes(options, callback)
Gets all routes from a table. When table is not specified, uses "main" table.
options (object) - optional - Object to manipulate de search and results from command.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Object).
Possible constructors:
(options, callback)
let options = {
table: "main", // specify table used
getIpData: false, // gets data for all addresses - see IPCalculator.getIpData()
sudo: true, // executes command with sudo
args: [], // extra arguments to ip route commands - be careful
SzIPRouter.getRoutes(options, (err, routes) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(routes)
// normal output
{ destination: '',
defaultGateway: true,
via: '',
dev: 'eno1',
proto: 'static',
metric: 100 },
destination: '',
dev: 'eno1',
scope: 'link',
metric: 1000
destination: '',
dev: 'eno1',
proto: 'kernel',
scope: 'link',
src: '',
metric: 100
Gets the default gateway from main table as string.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, String).
SzIPRouter.getDefaultGateway((err, gateway) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(gateway) // Must log somethin like
Gets all route tables on iproute2/rt_tables file.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Array).
SzIPRouter.getTables((err, tables) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(tables)
// normal output
id: '255',
name: 'local',
systemTable: true
id: '254',
name: 'main',
systemTable: true
id: '253',
name: 'default',
systemTable: true
id: '0',
name: 'unspec',
systemTable: true
id: '10',
name: 'custom',
systemTable: false
Gets current setting whether IPv4 forwarding is enabled.
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Boolean).
SzIPRouter.getIpForward((err, enabled) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(enabled) // Must log true or false
SzIPRouter.setIpForward(enable, callback)
Enables or disables IPv4 forwarding on Linux system and return current status after changes. Needs sysctl command and write access to /etc/sysctl.conf file.
enable Indicates whether routing should be enabled or disabled
callback (function) Function executed as callback. Arguments (Error, Boolean).
SzIPRouter.setIpForward(true, (err, enabled) => {
if (err) return console.log(err)
return console.log(enabled) // Must enable IPv4 routing and log true