An email that is send to a set recipient and notifies the recipient an IOT device is offline after a set time specified for the device.
System Health Offline Alert
This script is designed to monitor the uptime of IoT devices and notify a set recipient via email if any devices go offline beyond a specified time threshold. It is particularly useful for maintaining awareness of the operational status of IoT devices deployed in various environments.
The script performs the following tasks:
- Device Uptime Monitoring: It checks the uptime of each device by comparing the current time with the timestamp of the last communication received from the device.
- Offline Device Detection: If a device is offline for a duration exceeding the specified threshold (plus a tolerance of 5 minutes), the script identifies it as offline.
- Email Notification: It generates an email notification listing the offline devices, their details, and the time of their last communication. Customizable Templates: The email notification template is customizable and can be adjusted according to specific requirements.
Running the Script
Include the Script: Incorporate the provided code snippet into your Node.js project.
Define Device Information: Create an array of objects containing information about the IoT devices to be monitored. Each object should include the following properties:
- DeviceId: Unique identifier for the device.
- Name: Name or description of the device.
- DateTime: Timestamp indicating the last communication from the device.
- Lqi: Signal strength of the device (1 - 5).
- Battery: Battery level of the device (1 - 5).
- KeepAliveMinutes: Time interval in minutes after which a device is considered offline if no communication is received.
Invoke the Function: Call the checkDevicesUptime function, passing the array of device objects as an argument.
Handle Output: The function returns either an HTML-formatted email notification if any devices are offline, or null if all devices are online.