The internationalization (i18n) library for Systelab
Library with I18N tools to speed up our Angular developments
Installing the library
npm install systelab-translate --save
How to use the library
In order to use this library you must import the module SystelabTranslateModule. Remember to import SystelabTranslateModule.forRoot() in your application module.
Once done this, you can inject a I18NService and setup the initial locale calling the method 'use':
this.i18nService.use('en-US').subscribe(() => console.log('Locale set to American English.'));
If you want to get the current language, call the method:
If you want to get the browser language, call the method:
If you want to force reloading a language
this.i18nService.reloadLanguage('en-US').subscribe(() => console.log('Translations for American English reloaded.'));
There are two convenient methods to set or append new keys to an specific locale:
public setTranslation(locale: string, translations: Object)
public appendTranslation(locale: string, translations: Object)
In order to translate a key, you can call to the instant method:
This method has an optional parameter interpolateParams that will allow you to provide some parameters. For example:
Provided the key "USER_AGE_AND_GENDER": "User age is {{USER_AGE}} and gender is {{USER_GENDER}}" you can set the parameters with the following call
this.i18nService.instant('USER_AGE_AND_GENDER', {USER_AGE: 24, USER_GENDER: 'Male'})
In order to async translate a key, returning an Observable, you can call to the get method:
You can translate a key in your templates by using the 'translate' pipe:
<p> {{ 'COMMON_CODE' | translate | async }} </p>
Provide the translation files
In order to provide the translation files, you must include several properties files in the /i18n/language and /i18n/error folders.
For the basic bundles, include a MessagesBundle_xx_XX.json file for each language and country (not mandatory).
For the error bundles, include a ErrorsBundle_xx_XX.json file for each language and country (not mandatory).
This two files are mandatory if you are going to use the language.
Sample files names are: MessageBundle_es.json, MessageBundle_en.json, MessageBundle_en_US.json or MessageBundle_pt_BR.json
Inside each file include a single line for each key and translation. For example:
"COMMON_ABOUT": "About",
"COMMON_CODE": "Code to display",
Working with dates
The are some convenient methods to work with dates:
public getDateFormat(isFullYear = false): string
Returns the Date Format depending on the locale. If full year, the year will have 4 digits.
public getTimeFormat(withSeconds = false): string
Returns the Time Format depending on the locale. If specified, seconds will be added.
public formatDate(date: Date): string
Formats a Date depending on the locale.
public formatDateFullYear(date: Date): string
Formats a Date with the year in 4 digits depending on the locale.
public formatTime(date: Date, withSeconds?: boolean): string
Formats a Time depending on the locale.
public formatDateTime(date: Date, fullYear?: boolean, withSeconds?: boolean): string
Formats a Date Time depending on the locale.
public formatMonthAndYear(date: Date): string
Returns the month in text and the year.
public formatDateAndShortMonth(date: Date): string
Returns the day and the short month in text.
public getDateFrom(date: Date): Date
Returns the date at the beginning of the day.
public getDateTo(date: Date): Date
Returns the date at the end of the day.
public getDateMidDay(date: Date): Date
Returns the date at noon.
public getFirstDayOfWeek(): number
Returns a 0 if the first day of the week for the locale is Sunday. Returs 1 if is Monday.
public parseDate(currentDateValue: string, locale?: string): Date
Returns a Date from currentDateValue applying the Date Format of the locale.
See the source code to get more information.
Working with numbers
Use the method formatNumber to format a Number using the Java DecimalFormat.
public formatNumber(numberToFormat: number, decimalFormat: string, applyLocale?: boolean): string
Working with numbers (using numberformat Pipe)
Use the pipe numberformat to get a value with a defined precision taking into accound the locale, units, priorSymbol and default symbol when undefined.
<label>{{value | numberformat : '1.0-5':'%'}</label>
Returns the value rounded to 5 decimals and with units. For example: an output may be 5.23455%
<label>{{value | numberformat : '1.0-2':'%':'<'':'-'}}</label>
Returns the value rounded to 2 decimals, % as units and < as the previous symbol. For example: an output may be < 3.44% or just - in case the value is undefined.
public transform(value: number, precision?: string, units?: string, priorSymbol?: string, defaultSymbolWhenNull?): string
This pipe can be used from any component through the method transform.
Mock translations for testing
The translations can be passed from jasmine tests to avoid http access. In test.ts add this: It can be an empty object to test only the keys.
jasmine['translations'] = translationsObject;