Synergy desktop client
CompactSelect is a select control that is light in terms of screen realestate but at the same time highly functional
For examples and help compact-select
To install
yarn add compact-select
npm i --save compact-select
Quick start
A simple string list
Behaviour properties
- title - select control title and use as a key for caching items
- maximumSelections - min items that can be selected
- minimumSelections - max items that can be selected
- selectType - how the control behaves "standard" | "dropdown" | "switch"
- choices - available static choices
- selected - currently selected items
- itemValue - if using a complex class how to access the key value
- itemText - if using a complex class how to access the display value
- itemDisabled - if using a complex class how to access the disabled value
- typeAheadLookUp - type ahead lookup callback
- noEmptyStringLookUp - don't loook up if the input string is blank
- itemSearch? - item search for when pasting from the clipboard
- cacheLookUp - should the control cache items
- cacheTimeToLive - how long should items exist for, in seconds
- cacheExpiryCheck - how often should item expiry be checked, in seconds
- onChange - notify of change
- disabled - is control disable
- loadingText - custom loading text
- noItemText - custom no item text
- caseSensitive - perform case sensitive matching
- toolTipValueLimit - maxium number of items to display in the tooltip
Apperance properties
compact select
- style
- selectStyle
- selectDisabledStyle
- className
- disabledClassName
- inputStyle
- inputDisabledStyle
- inputClassName
- inputDisabledClassName
- clearSelectionStyle
- clearSelectionDisabledStyle
- clearSelectionClassName
- clearSelectionDisabledClassName
- titleStyle
- titleDisabledStyle
- titleClassName
- titleDisabledClassName
- choiceListStyle
- choiceListClassName
- dropdownIconStyle
- dropdownIconDisabledStyle
- dropIconClassName
- dropIconDisabledClassName
- hideDropdownIcon
- dropdownIcon
- clearSelectionIcon
- hideTitle
- height
- minHeight
- maxHeight
- width
- minWidth
- maxWidth
- choiceStyle
- choiceSelectedStyle
- choiceHoverStyle
- choiceDisabledStyle
- choiceClassName
- choiceSelectedClassName
- choiceDisabledClassName
- choiceHoverClassName
- choiceSelectedIconStyle
- choiceSelectedIconClassName
- choiceSelectedIcon
- hideSelectedIcon
item display
- displayStyle
- displayDisabledStyle
- displayClassName
- displayDisabledClassName
Tool tip
- toolTipClassName
- toolTipStyle
- toolTipPosition 'above' | 'below' | 'left' | 'right';
Add any of the below vairbales to a css/scss file.
:root {
--compactSelectBackgroundColor: #14061F;
--compactSelectFontColor: White;
--compactSelectDisabledBackgroundColor: #353576;
--compactSelectToolTipBackgroundColor: #5555ad;
--compactSelectHighlightedBackgroundColor: #9c9ccb;
--compactSelectBorder: WhiteSmoke solid 2px;
--pageColor1: rgb(195, 212, 233);
--pageColor2: #353576;
--pageColor3: #9c9ccb;
--pageFont: Black;
- --compactSelectFontWeight
- --compactSelectFontFamily
- --compactSelectFontSize
- --compactSelectFontStyle
- --compactSelectFontColor (default black)
- --compactSelectBorder (default 2px solid WhiteSmoke)
- --compactSelectBackgroundColor
- --compactSelectBackgroundImage
- --compactSelectDisabledBackgroundColor
- --compactSelectDisabledBackgroundImage
- --compactSelectTitleFontWeight (default 100)
- --compactSelectSelectedItemFontWeight (default bold)
Input box
- --compactSelectInputTextMaxWidth (default 100%)
- --compactSelectTitleFontSize (default small)
Option list
- --compactSelectChoiceListMaxHeight (default 300)
Clear seletion icon
- --compactSelectClearSelectionIconSize (default large)
- --compactSelectChoiceSelectedIndicatorBorder
- --compactSelectSelectedFontColor (default black)
- --compactSelectSelectedBackgroundColor
- --compactSelectHighlightedFontColor (default black)
- --compactSelectHighlightedBackgroundColor (default lightgray)
- --compactSelectDisabledFontColor (default darkgray)
- --compactSelectDisabledBackgroundColor (default Gainsboro)
- --compactSelectSelectedIconSize (default large)
- --compactSelectSelectedIconColor (default green)
- --compactSelectChoiceBackgroundImage
- --compactSelectSelectedBackgroundImage
- --compactSelectHighlightedBackgroundImage
- --compactSelectDisabledBackgroundImage
Tool tip
- --compactSelectToolTipFontColor (default black)
- --compactSelectToolTipFontWeight
- --compactSelectFontFamily
- --compactSelectToolTipFontSize (default small)
- --compactSelectToolTipFontStyle
- --compactSelectToolTipTextAlign (default center)
- --compactSelectToolTipBorder
- --compactSelectToolTipBackgroundColor
- --compactSelectToolTipBackgroundImage
- toolTipComponent
- choiceComponent
- displayComponent